After some embarrassing technical mistakes at the beginning of our live Q&A, our lead question today was, “Is the Sabbath required for Christians?” Then, lots of great questions from the live chat: Who are the “robbers and thieves” Jesus referred to in John 10:8? Christ said keep the Sabbath. so the question becomes how does Paul have authority to supersede what Christ said? What does it mean in 1 Peter 4:18 that the righteous will scarcely be saved? What advice would you give to a newly married man about being the spiritual leader in his home? What does submission look like practically in a marriage? How can we practically encourage Christian brothers and sisters to have unity in light of varying opinions on vaccines, masks, politics etc.? Does 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 teach that those who have been presented with the gospel but reject it NOW, will not be able to believe in the gospel after the rapture because of strong delusion? What do you say to a friend who seems unconcerned about going to hell? Do those who don’t pay tithes risk being under the curse spoken of in Malachi 3:9-10? Is there a difference between receiving the Holy Spirit and being born again? Could it be that one event occurs and the other did not? Can we combine belief in God and the study of the natural sciences?

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