Today's question and answer doesn't begin with a lead question - we're going straight to the live chat for your questions. Here are the great questions that came in on the side chat: Can you explain the differences in 1 Chronicles 21:1 and 2 Samuel 24:1? Was it the anger of the Lord or Satan? When will the rapture of the church will happen ? How did Moses find out he was a Hebrew? When the Bible says, “No one knows the day or the hour of His return,” is it referring to the Jews and the Second Coming or to the church and the rapture? I know that in the bible it says that woman should not be lead pastors or teaching the bible in the church, but can a woman be a street preacher? Why do people have demonic dreams repeatedly (such as being possessed, violence, sexual attacks), and how does one get them to stop? Someone recently challenged me online about my faith in the gospel of Christ saying no one ever got saved by His death but by faith and works. Based on 2 Tim 2:23-24 I stepped back. How would you suggest I reply? Is it proper for a whole congregation to “pray in the Spirit” or speak in tongues at the same time? Are ghosts in castles and haunted places lost souls from hades, or are they demons who trick people? How do you tell the difference between a real preacher and a preacher who is false, if both preachers know the word of God? I know the church isn't appointed to wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9), but is all of the tribulation God's wrath? Some say only the last 3 1/2 years are God's wrath. Will we be here for all 7 years? When praying should we pray to God or to Jesus, or does it make any difference. Are Christians today to keep biblical holidays? In the Millennium, since nothing will harm us on the Holy mountain, what will we eat that can take the place of meat? Are the Hebrew Israelites correct when they say that the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God are for the Israelites, not the Christians?

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