Today's Q&A starts with the question "Are there things Jesus doesn't know?". Then we continued with the following questions: What does it mean to pray fervently as written in James? What is it about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that you may disagree with Cessationists’ about? Does a baptism have to be done by an ordained minister? What would you say is your favorite verse or Book in the Bible? Would it be an accurate statement to say that to the degree that we walk in the spirit is the degree we will manifest the fruit of the spirit? What does Matt 11, 12 mean, where the kingdom of heaven demands violence? Was Joseph still alive when the 430 years of affliction on the Israelites started in Egypt? Why is it that the book of Enoch not included in the canon of scripture? Hades and Death are thrown into the Lake of Fire (Rev 20:14). What does this mean? How do you study the Bible? What is ROSH HASHANAH? When the generation in the wilderness fell because of unbelief, did they go to heaven? Should we be tithing/giving to the church if we are in debt?

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