Today's lead question is, "Does God love humanity more than His other creations?" Then, questions from the side chat. What happened to the Urim and Thummin, the Shekinah glory of God, and the sacred fire of the altar with the temple in Jesus’ day? 14:09 What is the kingdom of God? and is that different from the kingdom of Heaven? 19:58 Can a person who claims to be a believer, but yet does not believe that the Holy Spirit is a person (God), be saved? 24:16 What is the evidence for humanity spending a total of 7,000 years on Earth--6,000 years before the kingdom of Christ plus the millennial kingdom? Are you persuaded by this case? 28:03 Can people be saved during the Millennial Kingdom? If so, when will they be resurrected? 29:50 I am house bound and not able to attend church so I divide my tithes between different local charities like the homeless and food pantries. Is this acceptable? 34:35 If being Jewish is inherited by your mother only, what about Ruth, king David and finally Jesus? 39:55 Do modern-day Jews have to trust in Jesus to be saved? 42:47 Can a person who denies God in this life have an opportunity to repent in the afterlife? 45:38 What are the essential Christian doctrines? 47:01 Is our sin nature still with us in Heaven? 50:43 Did Jesus receive a sin nature from Mary? 51:31 If Jesus was born to die, why should Jews be judged for rejecting Jesus when His death was planned by God Himself? 52:58

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