Today's Q&A is streamed live from Germany, where David Guzik is speaking at the annual Leaders Conference at Calvary Chapel Siegen. He invites a few of the European pastors to join him in answering the following questions: ​Is God behind the evil that happens to people? Is the God of Protestants and Catholics the same ? What is your view on believers missing church? What is the best way to evangelize? The Bible says to make disciples — it doesn’t say “converts”. ​How do we biblically pray against sickness - What is your take on loosing and binding? ​Was Nebuchadnezzer sincere in his conversion? As a woman, how can I be effective in my new church? ​During a former Q&A you said that it was Achan’s whole family that was stoned and burned, but your commentary says it was just Achan and his possessions. Please Clarify? ​Is the Gospel more about living in the Kingdom of Heaven before you die or about how to get there after death? ​Is it possible that Christians will marry and have children during the millennium? When I go to church I get sad because others are crying and I'm not. ​Is it posible to be a Christian and not to cry? How did the the women in Luke 8:1-3 financially support Christ's ministry? ​How do you think Enoch ‘walked’ with God? ​What is the River of Life in Revelation 22?

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