From Chapter 5:1-11 of Paul’s letter to the Romans (אֶל־הָרוֹמִיִּים), brother Gideon Levytam points out the important doctrine that the apostle Paul impressed upon the believers in Rome. Shaul / Paul taught the Roman believers, that because of their sincere faith in Jesus the Messiah, they were once and for all justified before God, and had peace (Shalom-שָלוֹם) with God. The Messiah's death, burial and resurrection, satisfied God, who now can justify any sinner who turns to Him by faith. True believers in Yeshua, not only have the promise of eternal life, they also posses benefits that accompany their justification. These benefits are peace, access to God, grace, joy, sure hope, godly character, and God’s love in their hearts.
Romans 5:1-11 - The Benefit of Our Justification
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