Search by book of the Bible, chapter and verse:


The Argument of Job

From The Word for Today Job continues his argument with his "friends". Do you thank God for each breath yo…

The Faith of Job

From The Word for Today …ous verses found in Job is included in today's study. Pastor Chuck Smith shares ex…

The Gospel According to Job

From Wisdom for the Heart … earth, a man named Job was already preaching the Gospel. There had been no incarna…

The Gospel According to Job

From Wisdom for the Heart … earth, a man named Job was already preaching the Gospel. There had been no incarna…

The Horrible Condition of Job

From The Word for Today Job's days were "spent without hope" as he endured terrible sores and pain. How di…

The Last Discourse of Job

From The Word for Today Job have to say to his "friends"? Pastor Chuck Smith answers this question as the …

The Lord Answers Job

From The Word for Today … question? How did Job handle it? Today's edition of "The Word for Today" has Pas…

The Lord Questioning Job

From The Word for Today … Why would God ask Job questions about the universe? Learn why in today's episode…

The Strong Faith of Job

From The Word for Today Job's faith placed as he experienced pain and sorrow? How well do you take care of…
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Bread of Life

CTTW - Questions About Life

Encouraging Words

Expectant Faith


Grace Notes

Grace to You

Guidelines for Living

John Phillips Ministries International

Living Word for Africa

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Berni Dymet


Stephen Davey


Bob Griggs


Craig Harbin


Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer


John MacArthur


Asafa Makan'a


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(How we handle adversity, Job had everything but loses all)

By Running to Win

A Course for Life

By Grace to You

A Guided Tour of Your Body

By Truth in the Test Tube


By The Word for Today

Expectant Faith

By Expectant Faith

God, Satan, and Angels

By Grace to You

How we handle adversity Job had everything but loses all and his depression

By Running to Win

How we handle adversity Job had everything but loses all. Job’s friends, they speak to much

By Running to Win

How we handle adversity Job had everything but loses all. Talk to God

By Running to Win

Is the Bible Reliable?

By Grace to You
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