Stephen Davey

Stephen Davey is the son of missionary parents and was raised to love Christ, His Church, and His Word. In his last year of high school, Stephen committed his life to serving Christ and prepared for a life of servant-leadership at Liberty University, Tennessee Temple University, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, and Dallas Theological Seminary. Following graduation from Dallas Seminary in 1986, Stephen and Marsha trusted Christ for His provision and moved with their infant twin sons to Cary, NC, to plant Colonial Baptist Church. From the beginning, Stephen preached verse-by-verse, while Marsha created the nursery and children’s programs. In those early days, word of this new church’s commitment to Bible exposition spread rapidly around town, and the fellowship was soon overflowing with attendees. Stephen also serves as the president of Shepherds Theological Seminary, a young and exciting seminary which has already earned accreditation with TRACS and associate membership status with ATS. With an outstanding faculty and growing student body, Shepherds currently meets on the beautiful campus of Colonial. Stephen enjoys interacting with the students, as well as teaching Pastoral Theology and Creative Bible Teaching. More than 40 books, study guides, commentaries, and booklets have been published by Ambassador, Kress Biblical Resources, Charity House, and Wisdom for the Heart. Currently, Wisdom’s new website now allows listeners to download all of Stephen’s messages and sermon transcripts at no charge. Stephen and Marsha have been married more than 30 years and have been blessed with twin sons Benjamin [wife Caroline], and Seth [wife Megan]; daughters Candace [husband Cristian] and Charity and three grandchildren, Nicholas, Micah, and Olivia.