My360 Helper

Ian was born in the UK and graduated with degrees in metallurgical engineering. He immigrated to Canada and spent 19 years as research metallurgist with the Aluminum Company of Canada and obtained patents, including a novel process for the manufacture of armor plate. He became a Christian in 1974 and joined David Mainse, Canada's TV evangelist. He became a producer of thirty-nine television programs of the "Crossroads" series, including a 13-part TV episode exposing the fallacies of the theory of evolution. He wrote the book, In the Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order in 1984. In 2008, the book was updated and expanded to 518 pages. Publication of this book took Ian on speaking engagements in almost every state of the US and provinces of Canada, then to Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, China, Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Singapore. In 1996, at the invitation of Creation Moments, he moved to Minneapolis and, working under the terms of NAFTA, became President and the voice of the Creation Moments daily radio program. After two years he returned to Canada and continued to be the voice of the ministry’s popular radio program, heard daily on over 1,300 stations in the US and around the world. During his lifetime he did research and lectures, traveled throughout North America, most of the Southeast Asian countries including central China, Russia, Ukraine, many European countries, and the UK. We were honored and blessed to have such a wonderful and dedicated creationist as part of our ministry for so many years. Even now, his radio broadcast programs endure to reach others with the message about the awesome and intricate creation of an awesome and loving God. Ian loved the Lord and devoted his life to living for Him and to bringing others to the Lord. He truly was a “good and faithful servant.”

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