Read Philippians 2:3-4. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were naked and without shame. This nakedness was of the physical sort, of course, but it… read more
I think God must love weddings. Consider this: Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding by turning water into wine (see John 2:1-11). At the… read more
In 1 Corinthians 7:25-40, Paul encourages those who have the gift of remaining single to stay single—to rejoice in it, have fun, and serve the… read more
The unity of the family is under attack in a serious way in our society today. Divorce rates for first-time marriages in America are estimated… read more
Our society has slyly attached negative connotations to the word submission. Instead of finding joy in serving others, our minds often run to… read more
Our society today does not embrace many of God's edicts with open arms. And when it comes to the subject of men and their role in the family, the… read more
We go all the way back to the Garden of Eden to see the first marriage in action. Adam was in charge of the garden and given the assignment to name… read more
The contrast between what God expects from the husband and what He expects from the wife is clear in Scripture. The roles are complementary. These… read more
When you think of the word submission, what images come to mind? Do you think of the relationship between parent and child or employer and employee,… read more
For the past several decades, the roles of men and women have been compared, debated, and challenged. If the numerous books and articles about the… read more
Those who believe that true spirituality is defined exclusively by the Bible are often accused of being intolerant. I am glad to accept this false… read more
Those who do not spend time diligently seeking wisdom from the Bible, those who read it without comprehending it, even those who memorize it without… read more
There are moments when it seems that the only news available is bad news. Headlines fill with stories of deception, financial ruin, sickness, and… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D.Leading the Way
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