Have you ever wondered how birds and insects can fly through heavy rainfall without adverse consequences? Researchers have discovered that their… read more
When the Samaritan woman accepted Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, she was instantly transformed into a new being. The woman at the well was so… read more
Jesus modeled how to share the Good News with people from very different backgrounds. What was His method? Love. In this story of the woman at the… read more
The word grace is widely misunderstood in our culture. In the Bible, grace simply refers to God’s gifts of goodness and blessing in our lives… read more
None of the heroes of faith we learn about in Hebrews 11 would have experienced victory with a weak, ineffective faith. Each of them was courageous… read more
Abraham realized God had a greater plan for His life. Therefore, he shifted his focus from the world around him to the world that was yet to come.… read more
On the way to and from work, I drive past the local landfill. While it's several hundred yards off of the highway, at times, the foul smell is… read more
Sometimes God calls us to work that requires us to give up something we hold dear. Other times He asks us to step out of our comfort zones in order… read more
Courage is one of the greatest manifestations of faith. Courageous faith is confident that God cannot and will not make a mistake. Courageous faith… read more
God’s Word is filled with the stories of His saints suffering greatly for their faith. But far from discouraging believers today, these lives… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D.Leading the Way
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