The Bible, especially the Old Testament, is filled with prophecies about future events in human history. The best known of these prophecies are the… read more
If you have been raised with Christ, the Lord wants to begin to change the source of your security and confidence. He wants to change your focus from… read more
One of the clearest pictures of identity transformation in the Bible is found in the life of the apostle Peter. Before Christ, Peter found his sense… read more
Peter’s denial of Christ was a horrendous failure. Only hours before, he had confessed that Jesus was the Son of God. Then he claimed that he… read more
When we cry out to God, He will listen to us. God loves to hear the cries of His children who seek to grow in faith. The psalmist declared, “I… read more
Fear comes in many forms, including panic, dread, and worry. Ultimately, fear is a lack of trust in God. Anxiety is a preoccupation with unimportant… read more
The extraordinary events of 2020 have left many people wondering if we are living in a new era. Times of change and conflict like this often provoke… read more
Kenneth R. SamplesScience and Faith Building Blocks
When we look at the relationship Jesus had with His disciples, we see that one of His primary concerns was for them to grow in faith. What does it… read more
A cornerstone belief of the Christian faith, the doctrine of the Trinity distinguishes Christianity from all other faiths. This doctrine makes… read more
Typically, when we hear the word sin, our minds rush to thoughts of transgressions that to us seem huge: murder, adultery, stealing, homosexuality,… read more
For now, our minds are earthbound. We do not have the ability to imagine fully what heaven will be like. If we could, it would drastically change the… read more