A group of Christians approached another believer about making a major contribution to a particular campaign. They did not know that this man had a… read more
Praise focuses our attention on the world of the Spirit—the heavenly, spiritual reality where He calls us to live and move. Praise brings joy… read more
We all have times when we feel like we could use a boost in our faith level. Praise empowers our prayers and also builds up our faith so that, when… read more
Pride is not the only thing that can keep us from praising God. An untrue heart can squelch both the desire and the ability to develop a life of… read more
The ultimate expression of praise to God is found in the way we live our lives. A life that is obedient to the Lord—to His written commandments… read more
Every generation has a buzzword. In the 90s, the word was networking. It was not really what you knew but rather who you knew that was important.
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When Daniel and his friends were sent to Babylon as captives, their new environment was vastly different from everything they had ever known. Even… read more
Do not become discouraged when you feel that the world is hopeless. The world can be changed for good, and God will give you the strength to stand up… read more
When Daniel was being trained in the Babylonian palace, he was fed lies about spirituality and the meaning of life. Just as we face lies every day… read more
The Old Testament prophet Daniel had plenty of reasons to be afraid. He was captured as a teenager and taken to a foreign land. He was separated from… read more
Sometimes battles come from bullies or situations. But other times, struggles come from within as we face temptations. A temptation is a test of our… read more
As you pass your tests in life, be careful not to fall into the temptation of giving yourself the credit for your success. God is the one who has… read more