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Dr. Fazale Rana

Dr. Fazale Rana Return to Full Listing

Are We More Than Our Genes?

Some call it Marvel’s biggest “bomb.” The writing and production value were so bad and the viewership was so low that the series… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Q&A: Did God Create New Species Out of Thin Air?

On the off chance that I ever come to question Christianity, I find it hard to think I would abandon my conviction that a Creator played a role in… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Are Scientific Predictions Like Biblical Prophecy?

But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Love Is in the Air and It Smells Like Intelligent Design

Being the hopeless romantic, I worked hard last year to come up with just the right thing to say to my wife on Valentine’s Day. I decided to… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Q&A: Do Extinctions in the Fossil Record Undermine Creation?

It is quite frightening. Ecologists think that we’re well on our way toward the sixth mass extinction. … read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Does Science Cause Christians to Deconvert?

Just a few weeks before the COVID-19 lockdowns, the comedic duo of Rhett and Link (Rhett McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln Neal III)—YouTube… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Do Turtle Soft Tissue Fossil Remnants Provide Evidence for a Young Earth?

I remember the experience as if it happened yesterday. … read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Why Isn’t God Present and Unambiguous?

What is the greatest challenge to God’s existence and his goodness? … read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Neanderthal Gene Deserts Provide Oasis for RTB’s Creation Model

My two-year-old grandson’s favorite book is Yummy Yucky by Leslie Patricelli. This work helps little ones learn which things they should put in… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Cell’s Metabolism Economized for Design

During my freshman year of college, I took two classes in economics: microeconomics and macroeconomics. (I aced both courses, by the way.) Those… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Why ATP? A Creation Model Perspective

There’s quite a buzz surrounding cryptocurrency these days. Plenty of people see investing in cryptocurrencies as a way to get rich quickly. … read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

A Response to “Unknown: Cave of Bones”

What makes us human? Are we unique? Are we exceptional? Is it reasonable to think that human beings were made in God’s image, as the Bible… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

A Christian Perspective on Synthetic Embryos

I carry around a lot of valuable life lessons that my high school driver’s ed teacher, Mr. Cunningham, taught us. One is: “Make sure you… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Should We Eat Lab-Grown Meat? A Christian Perspective

It’s the quintessential meat lover’s dish and a holiday favorite, popularized by sportscaster John Madden and Cajun chef Paul Prudhomme. … read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Does Homo naledi Undermine the Case for Human Exceptionalism?

My friend Ken Samples tells me it is one of the greatest stories ever told. … read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

The Obstetrics Dilemma and the Design of the Human Birthing Process

The birth of a child is a marvel to behold. In fact, you might even call it a miracle. … read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Animals Are Intelligent But Are Humans Exceptional?

I’m an introvert. Attending gatherings with people I don’t know simply sucks the life out of me. The icebreakers that frequently open… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

Leprosy, Liver Disease, and God’s Goodness

When I was a student at West Virginia State College (now West Virginia State University), I spent afternoons in the weight room and got to know some… read more
Dr. Fazale Rana Science News Weekly Round-Up

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