Mark W. Cadwallader

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Spiritual and Physical Connections in the Body Leading Up to Christmas

The young lady was confused and overwhelmed. How could she be pregnant when she had never had sexual relations? But she was reassured that this was… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Prophetic Signs in the Heavens: Repentance!

One of the many foundational truths of Genesis is this: “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Created for Love and Intimacy

My wife, Susan, was leaving the house and already out the door when I called out to her, “When will I see you again?” And she called… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Biblical Meditation: Listening for and Contemplating the Word of the Lord

What follows is a true story. … read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Engaging with Our Spiritual Adversary Where the Battle Rages

The date: October 31, 1517. … read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Lord of the Flies

Satan is called “Beelzebub” in Matthew 12:24, a Hebrew word which literally means “Lord of the Flies”. Since flies in their… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Courage in Cultural Controversy

As Whittaker Chambers wrote over sixty years ago, “The crisis of the Western World exists to the degree in which it is indifferent to… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

The Incredible Stability of Things

The stability of matter is a continuing puzzle to physicists. They point out that when you consider all the physical forces at work in matter, even… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Exposing the Pernicious Lie of Evolution

All of us are involved in spiritual warfare of one kind or another. In fact the Bible tells Christians that “the weapons of our warfare are not… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

How Evolution Leads to Dictatorship

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “You have your way, I have my way. As for the right way, it does not exist.” This is a good summary of… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Soft Tissues Drive Another Nail in the Coffin of Darwinism

The truth of biblical creation is foundational to the rest of the Bible and to the faith and practice of the Christian. And since this… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

The Undefiled Beauty of God’s Creation

You can read about Dr. Raymond Damadian’s invention of the MRI in the book Gifted Mind. But I think it’s the spiritual aspect of the MRI… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Would Christ’s Resurrection be Provable in a Court of Law?

Though there are many strong evidences for the resurrection of Christ, surely the strongest is the abundance of eyewitness testimony. Numerous people… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Got Problems with Your “Eyesight”?

Evolutionism works to obscure the supernatural source of power and wisdom. According to the Bible, the world, the flesh and the devil all cooperate… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Don’t Let Stress Kill You!

As amazing as the human body is, it is subject to “disease”. Now think about this word for a moment. It is a compound word,… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Frog Tale

A frog turns into a prince quickly – and you have a fairy tale. A frog turns into a prince over millions of years – and you have… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Bible Truth Defeats Bondage

If we stray from what the Bible teaches, we will find ourselves believing lies, and we will lose freedoms. We will be bound by chains of darkness and… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

Quantum Entanglement, Consistent with Biblical Truth

Christians understand that the kinds of mysteries which modern physics touches on point to a spiritual reality consistent with biblical truth. For… read more
Mark W. Cadwallader Creation Moments Radio

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