“The Licentious Son” (#2)
The novelist Charles Dickens called the parable of the prodigal son the greatest short story ever written. However, even though this parable is widely known and, frankly, a simple story, it is one of the most misunderstood passages in the Bible. How can that be—what’s to misunderstand? Well, for starters, it’s not just about the rebellious son. On the next edition of GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur continues his study of The Tale of Two Sons!
“The Licentious Son” (#1)
On the next edition of GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur begins a series on perhaps the most famous story in the Bible . . . The Parable of the Prodigal Son. He’s going to show you why it’s not just a story about one son but really . . . The Tale of Two Sons. Be sure not to miss this edition of GRACE TO YOU.
“The Hymn of Security, Part 2” (#2)
You may understand that God is holy, without sin, that you’re a sinner, and the penalty for sin is death. And you may have repented of your sin and turned in faith to Christ who paid for your sins. Yet with all that, have you ever found yourself, from time to time, doubting the permanence of your salvation? Guaranteed for Eternity ... that’s the theme of John MacArthur’s message today, and the thrust of his current study here on GRACE TO YOU.
“The Hymn of Security, Part 2” (#1)
It’s great to be chosen as class valedictorian, or the most valuable player . . . or employee of the year. Fact is, there’s only one thing you could be selected for that really counts . . . that matters for eternity. John MacArthur explains that today on GRACE TO YOU, as he shows you what it means to be chosen by God as he continues his series, Guaranteed for Eternity.
“The Hymn of Security, Part 1” (#2)
You’ll often see car dealerships or mortgage lenders offer deals with no down payment. What you really want is free—but then you must pay and pay to keep it. Sadly, a good many people hold a similar view of salvation thinking if they don’t do enough good works or are not obedient enough they’ll lose it. So what encouragement would you have for someone you know who may have that mindset? Find out the answer on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.
“The Hymn of Security, Part 1” (#1)
Maybe you’ve never doubted that you’re saved . . . but what are you basing that on? Or maybe the better question for you is . . . how can you know for sure that salvation isn’t something you can lose or have taken away? John MacArthur helps you investigate both of those issues. Join him for his series from Romans 8 titled Guaranteed for Eternity. . . on GRACE TO YOU!
“The Exclusiveness of the Gospel, Part 1” (Part 2) (#2)
You probably know people who are gracious and respectable and moral—they believe in God though their beliefs are not Christian beliefs. But, in the end does that really matter? If people have sincerely held beliefs about God, will that get them into heaven? Is God’s mercy wide enough? Consider those questions in John MacArthur’s series Delivered by God. . . on GRACE TO YOU.
“The Exclusiveness of the Gospel, Part 1” (Part 2) (#1)
Today it seems that many churches encourage their congregations to trust their own thinking—not the Bible—about whom God saves . . . who’s going to heaven . . . what the requirements are for salvation. What’s behind this trend toward spiritual malpractice? Are there elements of the gospel that are open to interpretation? Get answers you need in John MacArthur’s study called Delivered by God. . . on GRACE TO YOU.
“The Exclusiveness of the Gospel, Part 1” (Part 1) (#2)
Some believe that God’s offer of salvation extends to people of every belief and religion. Others say that apart from faith in Christ there is no salvation . . . and others hold views somewhere in between. But what is the right view—what does the Bible say? John MacArthur shows you in his series called Delivered by God. Join him for that on GRACE TO YOU.
“The Exclusiveness of the Gospel, Part 1” (Part 1) (#1)
Some evangelicals would say that you can make it to heaven even if you don’t know who Jesus is or what He did on the cross. Are they onto something? Is there wiggle room for those who don’t embrace Christ . . . will they receive eternal life? Find out what it means to be Delivered by God by joining John MacArthur on GRACE TO YOU.