“Deliverance - From Error to the Truth, Part 1” (#1)
According to some people today, a person can receive salvation without understanding—or even believing—the gospel. The consequences of that view? People are confused about what it means to be a Christian. A serious issue . . . one that gripped John MacArthur enough to address it head on. The result: John’s current series of lessons here on GRACE TO YOU, titled Delivered by God.
“Deliverance - The Neglected Doctrine”
What is salvation? That’s a simple question . . . but unfortunately, a crucial part of the right answer isn’t talked about much, even in Bible-believing churches. I’m talking about the idea that salvation is a rescue operation. Question is, What are we delivered from when we’re saved and how good a job are churches at communicating that truth? Well, that’s what John’s going to talk about here on GRACE TO YOU as he begins a study titled . . . Delivered by God.
“Reasons for Remaining Single, Part 2” (#2)
It is definitely a joy to witness the wedding of two committed Christians . . . and see God bless their lives as they serve Him together and, in most cases, raise a family. But what if you’re not married . . . and perhaps don’t have a strong desire to find a spouse. Are you somehow missing out on God’s best by remaining single? John MacArthur sheds light on that issue in his series called Guidelines for Singleness and Marriage. . . here on GRACE TO YOU.
“Reasons for Remaining Single, Part 2” (#1)
In the book of Genesis, God said all His creation was good, but that the union He made between Adam and Eve was very good. If you’re in a Christian marriage, no doubt you’ve seen how good it can be when couples serve the Lord together and raise a family to honor Him. So how then could a commitment to your spouse be bad for your spiritual growth? On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur explains how to maintain priorities that please God in your marriage. Tune in as he continues a practical study titled Guidelines for Singleness and Marriage.
“Reasons for Remaining Single, Part 1” (#2)
Near the end of his life, the famed reformer, Martin Luther proclaimed, “There is no more lovely, friendly or charming relationship, communion or company, than a good marriage.” Of course, Luther’s joy makes sense when you understand what Scripture teaches about marriage. Fact is, marriage is a positive thing in the Bible. So . . . why would the apostle Paul ever call it a bad idea? Be sure to listen to GRACE TO YOU when John MacArthur shows you five biblical reasons to remain single.
“Reasons for Remaining Single, Part 1” (#1)
Maybe you’re in your 30s or 40s and you’re still single . . . maybe you know someone like that and you wonder why he or she isn’t married. Is it somehow disobedient for a Christian not to marry? Or could there be good motives—clear, biblical ones—for staying single? Consider that when John MacArthur continues his study titled Guidelines for Singleness and Marriage on GRACE TO YOU.
“Christians and Social Revolution”
The Bible says when Christ saves you, the old things pass away. But does that mean you’re to help that process along by removing every reminder of your sinful past? What if part of your past includes a non-Christian spouse . . . an unbelieving husband or wife? On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur examines that perplexing question . . . moving ahead in the study he calls . . . Guidelines for Singleness and Marriage.
“Divine Guidelines for Marriage” (#2)
What does Scripture say about whom you should marry .. . or not marry? What about if you’re already married but want out? What does God’s Word say about that? John MacArthur helps answer those questions in his series titled . . . Guidelines for Singleness and Marriage on GRACE TO YOU.
“Divine Guidelines for Marriage” (#1)
On this edition of GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur continues his compelling look at the biblical Guidelines for Singleness and Marriage. He focuses on a lesson to help you understand how your marriage—even if you’re married to an unbeliever—can honor God . . . and help lead others to salvation.
“To Marry or Not to Marry” (#2)
A Time magazine cover story a few years back looked at the falling marriage rate here in the U.S and the rising number of couples living together before marriage. In the end, the article’s author said marriage wasn’t as popular these days as in years past, but it’s “still the best avenue most people have for making their dreams come true.” Is that really the benefit of marriage? On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur answers those and other questions as he continues his study Guidelines for Singleness and Marriage.