“Whose Fault Is Our Temptation” (#1)
You may not think of yourself as much of a fighter—or a fighter at all, of any kind. But man or woman . . . young or old . . . if you’re a Christian, you’re in a continuous battle with an unseen foe. That foe—that enemy—is temptation. Question is, whose fault is temptation? How do you defend against it? And what’s the connection between handling temptation and . . . Benefiting from Life’s Trials? John MacArthur looks at all those questions on the next GRACE TO YOU.
“From Trouble to Triumph, Part 3” (#2)
Maybe you’ve noticed that not long after a trial hits, you find yourself facing a series of related and challenging issues like where to look for a new job . . . how to make room at home for an elderly parent . . . or even life-and-death decisions for a family member in the hospital. When situations like that arise how can you know you’re making the right decisions? John MacArthur points you to biblical answers today on GRACE TO YOU as he continues his study called Benefiting from Life’s Trials.
“From Trouble to Triumph, Part 3” (#1)
When you’re suddenly laid off work, when you get a freighting diagnosis from your doctor, when you lose a loved one, where can you turn for the comfort, stability, and peace you need? On GRACE TO YOU John MacArthur’s going to show you biblical truth can give you strength . . . and even joy . . . no matter the hardship you face. Tune in for John’s current series is titled . . . Benefiting from Life’s Trials.
“The Purpose of Trials”
If God is good and all-powerful—and He is—why do you and I . . . why does anyone . . . suffer? Bottom line, if God really loves you, why does He allow you to go through trials? Well, as John MacArthur will show you on GRACE TO YOU, trials can actually be good for you! That’s right . . . hard times can be a blessing from God. How? Find out as John continues one of his most helpful studies. It’s called . . . Benefiting from Life’s Trials
“From Trouble to Triumph, Part 2” (#2)
If it were up to us . . . we’d never volunteer for hardship. But like anathlete who grows stronger the harder he trains . . . your faith gains endurance as you face more and more testing. John MacArthur’s helping you understand that principle in his current study . . . Benefiting from Life’s Trials. On GRACE TO YOU, John considers another key to handling testing—how you think about the troubles you face.
“From Trouble to Triumph, Part 2” (#1)
Trials take countless forms . . . and no one is exempt from hard times—or even tragedy. But no matter what you’re going through now, and no matter what you face in the future . . . you can know peace . . . even in your darkest days. John MacArthur will help you see that today on GRACE TO YOU as he continues his study called . . . Benefiting from Life’s Trials.
“From Trouble to Triumph, Part 1” (#2)
A great preacher said that all trials serve two purposes: To better acquaint you with your own sinful heart . . . and with your Lord and Savior. It’s easy for people who have made it through trials to agree with a saying like that. But what do you do when you’re suffering never seems to end? Bottom line, how can you be sure God will get you through the toughest times? John MacArthur has encouraging answers today on GRACE TO YOU as he continues his series titled Benefiting from Life’s Trials.
“From Trouble to Triumph, Part 1” (#1)
King Solomon said that God ordains a time for everything . . . including heartache. In other words, trials don’t just happen. God sends them your way. But why would a loving God want you to go through trouble . . . how could it possibly help you? John MacArthur answers those questions in the study he begins on the next GRACE TO YOU. It’s titled . . . Benefiting from Life’s Trials.
Spiritual Stability, Part 6 Obedience
On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur continues a study that answers this question: How do you stand strong when your world feels anything but stable? What specific steps can you take to honor God and keep your balance? Philippians chapter 4 outlines seven steps that you need to follow . . . as John shows you in his study today called Seven Steps to Spiritual Stability.
Spiritual Stability, Part 5 Godly Thinking (#2)
If you’re a Christian, you can navigate any challenge or setback with peace and confidence if you apply the biblical principles John MacArthur looks at on GRACE TO YOU. So stay tuned as John returns to his study called Seven Step to Spiritual Stability.