Spiritual Stability, Part 5 Godly Thinking (#1)
From the time you wake each day, you make countless observations, arrive at logical conclusions, and act accordingly. But what, if anything, does the ability to reason like that have to do with your Christian faith? Find out as John MacArthur continues his series . . . Seven Steps to Spiritual Stability on this edition of GRACE TO YOU.
Spiritual Stability, Part 4 Thankful Prayer (#2)
Foxe’s Book of Martyrshas encouraged believers for centuries by highlighting the lives—the courageous testimonies—of Christians who remained faithful through persecution, resentment, and even death because of their beliefs. They had heroic, unwavering faith. In your own life how can you display that kind of God-glorifying obedience? John MacArthur is helping you with that in his current study on GRACE TO YOU titled . . . Seven Steps of Spiritual Stability.
Spiritual Stability, Part 4 Thankful Prayer (#1)
In recent years, maybe you’ve watched a fellow Christian lose a job, maybe lose his or her house, or endure the kind of deep sorrow that comes only when a loved one dies. Yet through all the heartbreak, this person never stopped obeying Christ . . . never doubted the goodness of God. Question is, how do you make that sort of unwavering faith your faith? John MacArthur has some practical answers today as he continues his series called Seven Steps to Spiritual Stability on GRACE TO YOU.
Spiritual Stability, Part 3 Humanity and Faith (#2)
Psalm 1 compares a stable person to a firmly planted tree. His Its roots go deep, and it has plentiful water—it can’t be blown over. Question is . . . how can that picture of strength and stability be a reality in your life? What does it take to be an unwavering, spiritually stable Christian, in every circumstance? John MacArthur gets to the heart of the question as he continues his series Seven Steps to Spiritual Stability on GRACE TO YOU.
Spiritual Stability, Part 3 Humanity and Faith (#1)
In a society that praises self-confidence, self-esteem ... even arrogance ... how should your character as a Christian be different? And what steps can you take to develop that Christ-honoring character? John MacArthur has answers you’ll want to hear as he continues his series from Ephesians called ... Getting in Step with the Christian Walk. Tune in for GRACE TO YOU.
Spiritual Stability, Part 2 Harmony and Joy (#2)
As John MacArthur continues his study called Seven Steps to Spiritual Stability . . . he’s going to show you practical steps you can take to tune your life to Christ’s and experience maximum joy in your relationships with fellow believers. Tune in for this powerful lesson on the next GRACE TO YOU.
Spiritual Stability, Part 2 Harmony and Joy (#1)
Financial stability comes with managing your money well. Structural stability—in automobiles or office buildings—requires skillful engineering. But what does it take to experience spiritual stability? Consider that today as John MacArthur continues his study on GRACE TO YOU called Seven Steps to Spiritual Stability.
Spiritual Stability, Introduction Part 1
On GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur kicks off a series in Philippians chapter 4titled . . . Seven Steps to Spiritual Stability. Whether life seems pretty smooth for you right now . . . or you’re in the midst of one of life’s storms . . . this study will equip you for all of life’s circumstances.
Five Rock Solid Truths for the New Year
Maybe you find it easier to read your Bible and pray when life is going well. But what about when money is tight . . . your health fails . . . or Satan is attacking? How can you make sure that under any circumstance, you’re making the Lord your first priority? Find out in the message John MacArthur calls “Five Rock-Solid Truths for a New Year” . . . on GRACE TO YOU.
Making Disciples of All Nations, Part 2b
One business has these words on its website: “Woe to that company that loses sight of its mission statement for it has taken the first step on the slippery slope to failure.” Well, in a similar way, woe to the Christian who forgets his unique mission —namely, the Great Commission ... Jesus’ command to go into the world and make disciples. Question is, how does that call to action connect with the ordinary responsibilities you have ... working, running errands, or going to school? John MacArthur’s tackling that practical question in his current study on GRACE TO YOU titled, simply ... The Great Commission.