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Learning to Forgive, Part 3a

For nearly 56 years, John MacArthur and GRACE TO YOU have been “Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time” . . . connecting as many people as possible with the life-changing truth of God’s Word . . . verse by verse. Coming up, John will show you what the Bible says about forgiveness . . . and how to restore a sinning Christian to meaningful church fellowship.

Learning to Forgive, Part 2b

When a friend, or maybe your spouse, sins against you, how should you respond? What if someone hurts you but never repents and never apologizes for his or her sin . . . what do you do then? John MacArthur shows you what Scripture says about forgiving others—vital teaching that can help strengthen your marriage, your family—really, all of your relationships.

Learning to Forgive, Part 2a

When I say the word love, what actions come to mind? You may think of a smile, a hug, or holding hands . . . but do you ever think of confronting sin in others in order to restore them to fellowship in your church? John MacArthur unpacks the often challenging topic of forgiveness when he continues his study called My Brother’s Keeper. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

Learning to Forgive, Part 1b

How do you define love? Some say it’s “a feeling of deep affection” . . . or “a great interest in something” . . . and the world has countless other definitions. But what does the Bible say that true love looks like? And how can you demonstrate that love to others . . . even those who’ve sinned against you? John MacArthur paints a clear picture of biblical love on GRACE TO YOU.

Learning to Forgive, Part 1a

When people take advantage of you,betray you, abuse you . . . how does God want you to respond? You probably can guess that taking revenge isn’t the answer . . . but there’s nothing wrong with avoiding people who hurt you, right? Put that sort of thinking to the test with John MacArthur as he continues a practical study called My Brother’s Keeper.

The Discipline of God’s Children, Part 3b

If you have workout equipment in your garage that only collects dust . . . what good is it? Well, that same principle applies to your Bible—if you don’t use it, you won’t benefit from it. So grab your Bible as John MacArthur shows you what it says about God’s plan for dealing with sin in the church.

In God We Trust

What do you rely on when trials hit? What is your source of hope? Many people lean on their own strength, or look to others for help—maybe a friend, a family member, or even the government. But ultimately, where should believers find their hope? John MacArthur answers that in a lesson called “In God We Trust.” That’s here on GRACE TO YOU.

The Discipline of God’s Children, Part 3a

A question for you: If you know someone in your church is in sin, what are your responsibilities? Perhaps more than you think. If you’ve never quite been sure of what to make of this thing called church discipline, then listen to John MacArthur as he continues his timely and compelling study titled . . . My Brother’s Keeper. . . on the next GRACE TO YOU.

The Discipline of God’s Children, Part 2b

How should the church respond when one of its members is sinning? Some might say that it’s no one else’s business as long as no one else is affected . . . but what does the Bible say about confronting sin in the church? Consider that with John MacArthur as he continues his important study . . . My Brother’s Keeper. Practical truth ahead on GRACE TO YOU.

The Discipline of God’s Children, Part 2a

Here are some important questions for you: Are you willing to confront sin in the life of a fellow Christian? And are there any circumstances in which someone else’s sin is none of your business? Well, those questions are at the heart of John MacArthur’s current study. Click play for a practical message from the series he calls My Brother’s Keeper. . . on GRACE TO YOU.

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