A Son to Make Many Sons

Maybe you read the story of Jesus’ birth every year around this time—that’s good. But digging a little deeper, going behind the scenes, can revolutionize the way you celebrate His birth. So join John MacArthur as he takes an in-depth look at the Christmas story on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

The Doctrine of Absolute Inability, Part 1b

The natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God. They’re foolishness to him. He can’t understand them. Why? Because they’re spiritually examined, spiritually discerned, spiritually appraised. And, he is spiritually dead. This is explained in this edition of "Grace to You with John MacArthur".

How We Will Relate to One Another, Part 2

When you stand at the wedding altar and say “I do,” you’re committed. Question is, are you committed for all eternity? Do your marriage vows apply in heaven? What about your kids? If they're in heaven with you, will they still be related to you . . . will you even recognize them? Hear answers, on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 6, Part 5

In a letter sent to several pastors, an animal-rights group argued that God created animals to “experience pain, fear, sadness, and happiness just as we do.” The group also said that killing animals for food . . . “is surely the greatest denial of God inhuman history.” What do you think—could you justify that view from Scripture? Hear more, on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 6, Part 4

Man is distinct from every other created creature—that’s an amazing truth. And you probably know why you’re distinct . .. you are created in God’s image. But do you have a firm grasp on what that means? Find outnow by listening to GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur,

Creation Day 6, Part 3

On this episode of GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John’s going to continue his look at what it means—and what it doesn’t mean—to be made in the image of God. That’s on the next installment of John’s study . . .The Battle for the Beginning,

Creation Day 6, Part 2

Nobel Prize winning scientist Francis Crick came up with an explanation for evolution... the idea that small grains containing DNA could have been shipped to earth by aliens, and then evolved.How about you? Is your mind settled on the issue? Consider that on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 6, Part 1

There’s a battle raging today with greater implications than any ever fought. Not a military battle—I’m talking about a battle of ideologies concerning how we got here . . . how the universe came to be. What are the stakes? Find out now on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 5, Part 2

If you check the news tonight, you’ll likely find multiple,seemingly unrelated stories that actually share a common bond. A subtle—or not-so-subtle—rejection of the God who made us. So, how do you respond to that kind of thinking? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

Creation Day 5, Part 1

Today on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur, John will show you that you don’t need to have an advanced degree in science . . . or seminary training, for that matter . . . to defend what the Bible says about creation.

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