This Destiny Now

We talk the angst that accompanies our perception of God's destiny for us.

The Capacity Ladder

Merry Christmas

Today we share some of our favorite memories with our families during Christmas. We hope you create many more like these this year.

It Takes A Village

This week we are talking about how grace is experienced; it takes others to help us experience real grace. Sometimes, we are those others, because there is no one else around to start the environment.

Fast Rivers and Ephesians 3

We continue in Ephesians 3, unpacking God's incredible gospel, His gift of grace.

Bill Thrall's Life Verse

Romans 1: 16-17 For I am not ashamed of the gospel.

Did He Get it Wrong

This weeks grace fear - If we live in grace, won't I fail to live up to what God wants for me?

Is Pruning Because of Failure

As we continue in John 15 and the theology of Jesus, we talk about if being pruned as a individual, ministry, or organization means that you have failed or messed up.

Hand Slap

A community of grace laughs together. Not that they aren't sometimes inappropriate, but they have more time to let others feel out their humor without slapping their hand. All humor is meant to build up, sometimes it takes awhile for us to get there. It is worth the time.

All Together Now

Thoughts on Ephesians 4 interrupted by David's impromptu kids show jingle.

Only Crazy People

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