Healthy School Lunches

In New York State, a not-for-profit organization is making inroads into the health of children attending school. What they’ve done and what they’ve learned can help make schoolchildren everywhere healthier and smarter. Amie Hamlin, executive director of The Coalition for Healthy School Food shares insights and suggestions.


Would you like to be immune to sickness? It’s possible…to a point says Dr. David Katz, author of the book “Disease-Proof.” Katz is founding director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center and advocates a proactive stance when facing down that which would kill us.

Future of Medicine

Where is the medical profession taking us these days? How can we best be prepared for the industry’s amazing strengths and dangerous weaknesses? Board certified OB-GYN physician Dr. William Rawls offers behind the scenes advice…and warnings.


If you want the best health under the sun, Dr. James Marcum, founder/director of Heartwise Ministries offers just the right prescription.

The Meaty Truth - Amy-Lee Goodman

Why are doctors’ offices and hospital parking lots so full these days? The answer may be a close as your dinner plate. Amy-Lee Goodman, co-author of the new book, “The Meaty Truth,” shines a bright light on diet and makes some surprising connections between what we eat and how we feel. (

Suffered Long Enough - Dr William Rawls

What happens when a doctor can’t heal himself? Some years ago, OB-GYN physician, Dr. William Rawls, began searching for answers for what was making his life almost unlivable. What he discovered set him on a new course and can provide us with valuable insights into our own health and well-being. (

Mind Games - Robert Whitaker & Lisa Cosgrove

Psychiatry done right can be a life saver. Psychiatry done wrong can be deadly. The new book, “Psychiatry Under the Influence,” reveals the dark underbelly of this institution—a world where patient care is sacrificed on the altar of greed and profit—where science plays second fiddle to institutional and political influences. Co-authors Robert Whitaker and Lisa Cosgrove explain.

Salad Days - Cameron Wells

We think we’ve found the one sure bet for a healthy meal at our favorite restaurant: a big salad! Cameron wells, registered dietitian at the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine, suggests caution. Sometimes, salads can be even more unhealthy then the rest of the meal. You just have to know how to build it properly. (

Heart Evidence - Dr James Marcum

How do we protect the health of our hearts? Good question—one that needs answering because heart disease is our number one killer. The secret is hidden in an underutilized yet completely available resource. Plants! Cardiologist Dr. James Marcum explains.

Success Story - Anthony Masiello

Anthony Masiello knows what it’s like to be dangerously obese. He also knows what it takes to reverse that condition and regain a normal life—all thanks to the work and wisdom of Dr. Joel Fuhrman. (

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