My360 Helper

Introduction to the Online Video Course

Welcome to this online video course for men on the subject of "Finding a way out of pornography". In 14 units I will talk about how you can be set free from pornography and you will learn to see yourself and your sexuality in a new light. Some of the themes I will cover are: - Trapped in pornography - Pornography - a world of lies - A wife's view …read more

Trapped in Pornography - Part 1 of 2

Phil was only 8 years old, when he got into contact with pornographic material for the first time. In this unit he talks about how he became increasingly trapped into this addiction and what the consequences were in his life.

Trapped in Pornography - Part 2 of 2

Here Phil tells us how he tried many times in vain to break his porn addiction by his own strength and what finally was the turning point.

Pornography - A World of Lies

The world of pornography is a world full of lies. In reality, nothing is the way it appears. We take a look behind the scenes of the porn industry.

A Wifes View

In this part, Phil's wife, Karina, speaks about the porn addiction of her then fiancé, how she coped with the feelings of hurt, insecurity and shame and how she found the help she needed.

By my own strength

Many addicts try to battle their addiction with programs, rules, certain thought patterns and actions. Why this cannot work and how you can really be free, you will learn in this unit.

Gods Grace

In the bible we are often asked to come to Jesus with our sins, fears and problems. Again and again he forgives us and will never turn us away, because the grace of God is new every morning.

Light in the Darkness

Where light enters, darkness has to go. The first step to freedom from addiction is to step into the light. You must confide in somebody and no longer hide with your problem.

Sexuality - A gift from God

God gave us the sexuality as a special gift that brings life. However, sexuality needs borders, since otherwise destruction takes place, just like a torrential river will destroy all in its path when it bursts its banks.

Practical Steps - Part 1 of 2

What causes you to long for pornography? Tiredness, stress, loneliness? In this unit Phil talks about practical steps that will help you to find a way out of addiction.

Practical Steps - Part 2 of 2

Sometimes it is the little things that make a big difference. How you manage your smartphone and where you put your computer or TV, all of this can influence what you do. In this unit more practical steps to freedom are discussed.

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