True Faith Works
The relationship between faith and works has proved a confusing issue for centuries. But it didn't just begin in the protestant reformation under Martin Luther. No. It began during the time of the Apostles. So let's listen in now as Stephen takes us back to Romans 1:5 to discover not only why True Faith Works . . . but how it works.
A Forest of Truth
In Romans 1:4, the Apostle Paul says that Jesus was declared to be the Son of God with power! But what was that declaration like? Was it given with words or actions? In this message, Stephen takes us back to that remarkable scene where Jesus proved his Deity once and for all.
Introducing the Gospel
If someone were to ask you to explain the Gospel, where would you begin? The cross? The Virgin birth? Creation? Well in this message Stephen re-introduces us to the whole Gospel story – from beginning to end – revealing just how much we often leave out.
Somebody's Servant
Freedom is a blessing that many of us enjoy--especially those of us living in America. It's something men prize; it's something men fight for; they even give their lives for it. But when taken to an unhealthy extreme, freedom can easily digress into its ugly little brother, individualism. When that happens, men begin to think that freedom is found only in self-rule and gained when all masters are done away with. Stephen shows us in this message that freedom isn't the absence of a master . . . it's having the right master.
Truth for Today!
The book of Romans has been considered by many scholars and theologians throughout the ages to be the magnum opus of all Paul's letters--as well as the pillar of Christian doctrine and practice. So in this message Stephen reveals to us why this book is not only essential for Christians . . . it is essential for Christianity.
A Surprising Saint
Jephthah's story teaches us the remarkable lesson that no matter what stains the pages of your past, God is not finished writing.
In the Middle of Miraculous
It's always encouraging to hear stories about people who serve Christ even though their parents didn't. In 2 Kings 18-20, we meet a king who, due to his ancestry, seemed a prime candidate for a spot on Judah's long "wicked kings" list. But God had other plans for Hezekiah . . . and He has other plans for you too.
A Junkyard Orchestra
Hidden in the accounts of Israel's judges is the remarkable story of Ehud. A man without connections, wealth, or notoriety, Ehud is nevertheless empowered by God to accomplish extraordinary things.
The Minority Report
When you think of strong, godly leaders in the Old Testament, who comes to mind? David? Elijah? Abraham? Joshua? In Numbers 13 we are introduced to a man who, though not as prominent in influence as others, was as prominent in faith. Stephen brings us his story as he continues his study of"Forgotten Lives . . . Remembered Truths."
You Can't Buy the Cure
There were hundreds, if not thousands of lepers living during the days recorded in 2 Kings 5:1-14, but only one of them was healed. Was it due to his uncanny faith? Was it because he lived a more righteous life than the others? Find out in this compelling Old Testament portrait of redemption.