Storm Clouds, Part 1

Having integrity is like possessing a valuable gem:: it means you'll live life on the run.

Behaving Wisely, Part 2

Saul deceives David, openly resents him, and even uses his head for target practice! So why does David keep giving him the benefit of the doubt?

Behaving Wisely, Part 1

Saul deceives David, openly resents him, and even uses his head for target practice! So why does David keep giving him the benefit of the doubt?

Question and Answer Program No. 32

Stephen and Scott discuss questions phoned in by listeners. Please note that there is NO transcript available for this program.

David and the Sitting Duck, Part 2

In one of history's most unforgettable encounters, we are reminded why great faith in a great God leads to great victory.

David and the Sitting Duck, Part 1

In one of history's most unforgettable encounters, we are reminded why great faith in a great God leads to great victory.

An Unlikely King, Part 2

Set aside everything you know about David's latter years and look at him through the eyes of Samuel in this passage. Before the giant-killing, song-writing, and temple designing, David was the unlikeliest of kings.

An Unlikely King, Part 1

Set aside everything you know about David's latter years and look at him through the eyes of Samuel in this passage. Before the giant-killing, song-writing, and temple designing, David was the unlikeliest of kings.

Better Than the Birds, Part 2

Do you ever feel neglected by God? Do you ever think He is too preoccupied with the greater needs of the world to be concerned with your own trivial problems? If so, this is a message you can't afford to miss.

Better Than the Birds, Part 1

Do you ever feel neglected by God? Do you ever think He is too preoccupied with the greater needs of the world to be concerned with your own trivial problems? If so, this is a message you can't afford to miss.

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