People of the Word

We could argue about the value of hobbies, movies, sports, and the newspaper, and never get anywhere! But what about the time these things demand and the influence they exert on us? Is it any wonder that the average Christian knows more about the world than he or she does about the Word? In this message Stephen challenges us get back to the Bible!

The Puzzle Picture

Zerubbabel built the temple of God, but Ezra built the people of God. He led them out of spiritual darkness into the light of spiritual truth. And as we prop this puzzle picture in front of us today, we'll discover how it can help us rebuild our own spiritual lives too.

The Missing Jewel

Looking at the 21st Century American Church, what would you say is missing? What is the one thing we're getting wrong today? Stephen tells us in this message.

Neither Snow Nor Rain ...

Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor persecution, nor trial, nor height, nor depth, nor the opposition of rulers, nor the sin of nations, nor the power of Satan, nor any other thing can keep the Sovereign of the universe from fully completing His supreme design and His perfect plan. How's that for a postal service motto! In this message Stephen reminds us that when God makes a promise . . . He always delivers!

Opportunity Equals Opposition

Where there is opportunity to advance the kingdom of God, there will surely be opposition. Jesus promised that when He said that all who desire to live Godly in this world will face persecution. Are you facing opposition today because of your faith? Take heart . . . it's a sign you're doing the right thing.

Worship When Weak

The city-wide worship service in Ezra chapter 3 gives us a perfect illustration of what Christian fellowship looks like. The Jews had prayed together, suffered together, and now they will finally worship together. Let's learn from their example today.

Go Get Your Harp

We are prone to wander, aren't we? We struggle with things like faith and obedience, which effects our worship. But there is coming a day when we'll worship God with all our minds and all hearts and all our strength -- with no sin to stand in the way. Are you looking forward to that day?

I'd Rather Have Babylon

Spiritual schizophrenia is rampant in the church today. Its basic symptom is stated in this fashion: "I believe in God, but I'll never risk my academic standing or my sexual intimacy or my money to give my life to Him. I'd rather have Babylon." In this powerful message, Stephen gives us a road map out of Babylon and back to God. So fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride!

The Rumblings of Renewal

After seventy years of captivity, God is about to restore His own people to their homeland by turning the heart of a Pagan King. In this message Stephen reminds us that if God has princes and kingdoms in His hand, He surely has us in His hands as well.

The Other Prodigal

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most famous parables Jesus told during His earthly ministry. But whenever someone refers to it, they do it in that way: "Prodigal Son." Singular. But there are two prodigals in Luke’s account in chapter 15. The first prodigal came home to his father, expecting rejection but experiencing grace. The other prodigal never left home, expecting recognition but experiencing bitterness. We've studied the lost son, now let's learn from the son who never left.

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