Chosen . . . With Enthusiasm
Peter didn't point to the doctrine of election so that philosophers and theologians could have something to argue about over a cup of tea. He pointed to it so that isolated Christians could have hope in the midst of suffering.
Introducing an Old Fisherman, Part 2
Christians throughout the empire are being marginalized and scattered and many of them are questioning whether God has abandoned them. Who better to remind them of God's unfailing grace than Peter?
Introducing an Old Fisherman, Part 1
Christians throughout the empire are being marginalized and scattered and many of them are questioning whether God has abandoned them. Who better to remind them of God's unfailing grace than Peter?
The Meaning of Life
In these final verses of Ecclesiastes, Solomon reflects on his journey to find truth, describes where that truth comes from, and then shares some final wisdom for his son from his life experience. As Stephen opens Solomon's journal for the final time in this series, he shares why these life truths are just as important today as they were when King Solomon sat on the throne of Israel.
Before the Final Awakening
King Solomon issues a warning: Death is not the final slumbering, death is the final awakening! Since life is short, with just a breath between you and death, it's vital to remember your Creator! Remembering your Creator means you won't become misguided in your youth -- you'll walk with Him. Remembering your Creator means you won't become miserable in your old age -- you'll trust Him. And remembering your Creator means you won't be mistaken at your death -- you believe in Him.
How to Maximize Your Life
To the young, Solomon pulls his chair up close and says, "Listen; this is God’s Word; this is God's design; this is God's protection. Put sin as far away from you as you can. I want you to enjoy your youth; I want you to make the most of it, but you've got to do it God's way. God knows what's best; God created you, and God wants you to enjoy the gift of life He's given you. So: enjoy these early years thoroughly, invest these early years wisely, and guard these early years carefully."
Living With the Unexplainable and Unexpected
There are many things in life we can't predict; don't let the unexpected events of life paralyze you with fear. There are a lot of mysteries too. But don't let the unexplainable mysteries of God's work in your life rob you of joy. While there is the sweet light of day -- this day which God has made, let's make the most of it -- for the glory of God.
How to Ruin Your World, Your Life & Everything Else
Solomon gave us a description of how to aim your life in the wrong direction. The wisest thing you will ever do, to begin walking in the right direction, is to repent of your sin at the cross of Christ. The word repent literally means to turn around. To change direction. To allow Christ to lead you away from yourself and your fallen world, and walk with Him. And then, by following Him, you can influence and guide our world as we show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into a marvelous light.
Wisdom in the Traffic Patterns of Life
"A wise life is made up of a multitude of small things; little words, not eloquent speeches. It is not in one heroic effort, but through little things, that a life is wisely lived." That's another way of saying, wisdom is to be demonstrated out there in the routine, traffic patterns of life.
Uncommon Common Sense
It makes common sense to the honest person that they need a God. The problem is, most people don't want the God of the Bible. To them, and to us, God says "Stop wandering around in the darkness of your own speculations. "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." God offers you light and wisdom for life today. So, which way are you leaning? Who are you following? What direction are you taking? Not just for this life, but as you journey through life toward that eternal life tocome.