A Good Model for an Open Mind
Nowadays, virtue is described as accepting all forms of religion, sexuality, and political philosophies as equal and tearing down the dividing walls of right and wrong so as not to alienate anyone. But in Acts 17, true virtue is described as obedience to God and His Word.
The Suffering King
The Jews wanted a victorious messiah: one who could give them health, wealth, and power. Many churched people today are still searching for the same thing. But the apostle Paul reminds us why the cross is the only way to the crown.
Waiting to Be Wanted
One of the most compelling paradoxes of Christianity is that though God has no need of our love and worship, He still desires it.
Making it Safely Home
For the Christian, our life here on this earth is but a temporary stay on our way to eternal happiness in our eternal home. We may call where we live now our "home," but we won't find our true home until we die. In this lesson, Solomon looks forward, far into the future. Stephen Davey concludes this series with a special lesson from Ecclesiastes, and a bit of Revelation too!
Chasing a Carrot on a Stick
Go to your local mall, and you will see dozens of people chasing after things they think will satisfy. But when they get it, they are still unsatisfied, with what they truly desire seeming just out of reach. How can we find satisfaction that truly lasts? Stephen again opens Solomon's journal to find out.
Reversing the Rules of the Race
Winning a sprint in the Olympics may feel like the very height of human achievement. What can be better than running a successful race? Well, Solomon tells us that if you run the wrong race, even if you win, you still lose. Then what is the right race? Stephen explores that question in today's lesson.
Learning the Hard Way or the Better Way
In this practical lesson, Stephen continues to find fiscal lessons for us from the journal of Solomon. How does our handling of money impact our faith? Do we view our money selfishly, or as stewards of God's money?
How to Get a Good Night's Sleep
What keeps you up at night? Unpaid bills, martial strife, a personal fear? Even King Solomon, the wisest man in human history, experienced many sleepless night. But he also has insight to help us control our worries, overcome our troubles, and rest comfortably in God's will.
Some Warnings About Worship
Have you ever caught yourself in church singing words without paying attention to what they mean? Maybe you've said a prayer with some words that you often hear other people use, without really thinking about it. Is that true worship? Today, Stephen explains that worship is not just what we do. How we worship is just as vital.
Ministers of Loneliness
The Christian faith is not designed to be done in isolation. But did you know that even kings, the people every person wants to be close to, struggle with loneliness? King Solomon did. And in his journal, the book of Ecclesiastes, he provides some helpful tips so we can combat loneliness too!