PT211 Eng 28. The Gift of Hospitality
The spiritual gift of hospitality literally means “to welcome strangers”. It’s the Holy Spirit working through believers to create settings that promote fellowship and spiritual conversations. Believers with this gift host people they don’t know, or don’t know well, for food or shelter. In this session Steve Lake talks about believers who make their home a place where people feel welcomed and valued. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries and stories from life make this lecture very interesting.
PT211 Eng 38. Tongues and Prophecy
In this session Steve Lake invites you to look at 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 and focus on prophecy and tongues. The teacher will help you unpack some important truths about cautions Paul gives about using the gifts of tongues and prophecy. What is more beneficial, prophesy or tongues? What are three main points in 1 Corinthians 14? What is the most important point Paul makes in this chapter? Watch this lecture and find out.
PT211 Eng 48. Whom Should You Serve?
It is not enough to know your spiritual gift; you should use it everywhere you go. There is a group that God has embedded in your heart and you love to be with that group and you want to make a difference in their lives. It may be a group of people or an issue in your society. In this session Steve Lake is going to show you a diagram which will help you understand whom you should serve.
PT211 Eng 30. The Gift of Shepherding
Throughout the Bible shepherds illustrate our relationship with God. Shepherds watch over a flock of sheep. They guide them to food and water. When sheep stray, shepherds bring them back into the fold. They take care of wounded sheep and willingly sacrifice themselves to protect the sheep. The spiritual gift of shepherding means “to guide, nurture, and protect a flock”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to oversee the spiritual welfare of a group of believers. Shepherds assume responsibility for a group of believers over a period of time. They help people grow spiritually and intervene when struggles, pain or need threaten a member’s progress. In this session Steve Lake talks about shepherds who serve as small group leaders or facilitators.
PT211 Eng 43. Ephesians 4:11-13. Equipping Gifts
There are five gifts that we call the equipping gifts. They are given to people who function as co-captains in the church. So who are these people? In this session Steve Lake uses the analogy of a soccer team to show that every person in the church has a role and a responsibility. Why did God choose these five gifts? Watch this lecture to find out.
PT211 Eng 31. The Gift of Giving
The spiritual gift of giving literally means “to share a thing with anyone”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to donate or supply resources to those in need. The gift not only includes money, it also involves time and talent. In this session Steve Lake talks about believers with the gift of giving who are God's channel for providing needed resources. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries, stories and question at the end of the lecture will help you understand if you are one of the joyful givers who is willing to provide the church with material resources needed for ministry without credit or fanfare.
PT211 Eng 41. Possible Spiritual Gifts
PT211 Eng 32. The Gift of Helps
The spiritual gift of helps means “to serve in practical ways”. It is the Holy Spirit working through believers to perform necessary tasks that support ministry. People with this gift willingly set up chairs, prepare mailings, type the church newsletter, perform clerical tasks, and do many other jobs. Moreover, they work joyfully knowing that what they do makes ministry happen. In this session Steve Lake talks about the gift of helps.
PT211 Eng 29. The Gift of Mercy
The spiritual gift of mercy literally means “to help the afflicted”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to care for the hurting with cheerful acts of compassion. Those with this gift come alongside the broken and seek to lighten their load. In this session Steve Lake talks about compassion and empathy in action. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries and stories from life help understand the importance of sharing the pain of other people through taking part in home or hospital visitation.
PT211 Eng 11. Analogy to the Body: Unity
The human body is an incredibly complex organism with 75 organs. Different parts of the body form one unit. Each unit has a different function and yet they are interrelated. In this session Steve Lake shares five principles regarding Paul's analogy of the human body to the Body of Christ in Romans 12:4-6 which is an absolutely amazing illustration of how the church operates. He also talks about the importance of learning biblical principles during self-study and meditation.