PT211 Eng 17. The Gift of Faith
The person with the spiritual gift of faith believes that God is always trustworthy. This trust goes beyond human faith. The Holy Spirit enables the believer to see God’s vision and trust Him to fulfill it. In this session Steve Lake talks about the gift of faith and tells us a story about Jean Francois Blondin. Biblical examples, a visual aid, quotes from commentaries help to understand the purpose and the meaning of this spiritual gift. Questions at the end of the lecture will help you to figure out if you have the firm persuasion in the trustworthiness of God.
PT211 Eng 11. Analogy to the Body: Unity
The human body is an incredibly complex organism with 75 organs. Different parts of the body form one unit. Each unit has a different function and yet they are interrelated. In this session Steve Lake shares five principles regarding Paul's analogy of the human body to the Body of Christ in Romans 12:4-6 which is an absolutely amazing illustration of how the church operates. He also talks about the importance of learning biblical principles during self-study and meditation.
PT211 Eng 1. Two Callings
Before the foundation of the world God loved you even before He made you. And when He made you He knew that you would have some special assignment and purpose to accomplish. And He equipped you with everything you need to do it. In this session Steve Lake is talking about God having two callings for our life. God calls us to Himself and we have a personal relationship with Him. We are also called to help other people. In this session you are going to discover how your spiritual gift is connected with your purpose in life.
PT211 Eng 7. The Basics: 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
On the one hand, the Trinity seems to be a very easy concept to grasp. But on the other hand, it is hard to understand how three distinct persons can be one. What is the definition of the Trinity? In this session Steve Lake continues the expository study of 1 Corinthians 12, goes back to the Book of Genesis to show how all three persons of the Godhead work together, points out that there is diversity and unity in the Body of Christ and in the Trinity and gives examples of different analogies which are used to help our finite mind to understand the concept of the Trinity.
BS205 Eng 44. Genesis 23-27. The Family of Isaac and Rebekah. The Consequences of Deceit.
In Genesis 27 Jacob steals the deathbed blessing. All the members of the family have their own guilt to bear and the consequences of their actions are telling. In this section of the lecture Pastor Ronnie Stevens talks about the tragedy of deceit with terrible consequences in the family of Isaac. The point of this lecture is clear: when we take things prematurely, we get less than we expected. We need to wait on the Lord's timing.
BS205 Eng 45. Genesis 28 -29. Jacob's Life after His Escape. The Ladder of Jacob.
In Genesis 28 Jacob saw a ladder more likely a stairway between earth and heaven with God's guarding and protecting forces. When do we see angels ascending and descending in the New Testament? In this section of the lecture Pastor Ronnie Stevens answers this question when he talks about Jacob's first encounter with God and a narrative about Jesus and Nathanael.
BS205 Eng 46. Genesis 28 -29. Jacob's Life after His Escape. Jacob Worships God.
When Jacob woke up after having a dream in Genesis 28, he acknowledged the Lord's presence in the place and erected a monument, anointed it with oil and named it the place of Bethel. In this section of the lecture Pastor Ronnie Stevens shares his comments on that passage and talks about the presence of the Lord.
BS205 Eng 51. Genesis 31. Jacob Runs Away. Rachel Steals Laban's Idols.
In Genesis 31 Jacob's twenty-year sojourn comes to an end. God tells Jacob to go home and he leaves Mesopotamia without telling Laban. In this section of the lecture Pastor Ronnie Stevens says that Jacob should have done the right thing based on the character of God instead of doing the wrong thing based on the character of Laban. He also explains the difference between superstition and false worship.
BS205 Eng 52. Genesis 31. Why Leah is More Blessed Than Rachel?
Superstition is stupid but idol worship is wicked. On the occasion of her quick departure from Mesopotamia Rachel stole her father's "household gods". In this section of the lecture Pastor Ronnie Stevens explains why unloved Leah was more blessed than beautiful and loved Rachel.
BS205 Eng 53. Genesis 32-33. Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau. Jacob Learns How to Pray.
Now that Jacob was returning to the Promised Land, the inevitable meeting with Esau loomed ahead. Where does fear come from? Why was Jacob afraid? In this section of the lecture Pastor Ronnie Stevens answers these questions and talks about Jacob's strategy, his prayer and his actions when he prepares to meet his brother and has to face the greatest crisis of his life.