PT513 Eng 58. Leadership Development. Apprenticeship vs School Models.

The purpose of this section of the lecture "Leadership Development" is to emphasize apprenticeship over school models. Craig Ott talks about the differences between learning in school with its abstract knowledge and apprenticeship model which is focused on practical skills and abilities. We need to have different training approaches in the church.

PT513 Eng 56. Leadership Development. Servant Leadership.

One of the ways we develop servant leaders is by developing servants. It may be dangerous to say to someone that he has leadership potential and can be developed into a leader. We need to help that person to become a better servant. In this section of the lecture "Leadership Development" Craig Ott: - quotes George Patterson who thinks that we shouldn't focus on educating a man, but seek to edify the church; - explains the idea that you teach what you know, but reproduce who you are; - answers the question about becoming a servant.

PT513 Eng 60. Leadership Development. Equipping workers in the EFC of Munich.

In this section of the lecture "Leadership Developnent" Craig Ott gives a specific example of the way they developed workers in the evangelical free church plant in North Munich a number of years ago. That model of equipping workers includes: - ongoing training of cell group leaders; - mentoring a newer believer for future leadership or promoting the spiritual growth of an elder; - training workshops for special ministry skills; - coaching ministry team leader. Craig Ott also explains the goals and objectives for all approaches and gives a few points of application.

PT513 Eng 53. Resources for Church Planting. Effective Partnerships.

This is the last topic in the lecture "Resources for Church Planting". There are a lot of different types of partnerships, but Craig Ott will focus on direct congregation to congregation partnership. Church-planting partnerships have great potential but they can be complicated. So what are some of the important guidelines for healthy and effective partnership? Every partnership is unique, however certain common criticism emerge, so it is wise to learn about these stumbling blocks.

PT513 Eng 40. Evangelism and Discipleship. Principles for Compassion Ministry.

Kingdom communities have three dimentions: worship, evangelism&discipleship and compassion. It is good for a church plant to have compassion ministry and yet you need some priniciples to follow to do it right. In this section of the lecture "Evangelism and Discipleship" Craig Ott shares some important guidelines from the article "Compassion Pre-Evangelism: The Master Key to the Town".

PT513 Eng 41. Evangelism and Discipleship. Finding Prepared People.

In this section of the lecture "Evangelism and Discipleship" Craig Ott talks about finding prepared people to share the Gospel with. Some people are more open and ready to hear the Gospel and discuss spiritual problems because God has prepared their hearts already. So one of the keys in church planting is finding these people. Craig Ott shares some ideas how to cast the net and cooperate with other ministries.

PT513 Eng 42. Evangelism and Discipleship. Communicating the Gospel.

The Gospel must be shared broadly, constantly and powerfully. However, not all communication of the Gospel has the same results. How do we actually communicate the Gospel message? There are a lot of different methods to do it. And there are different aspects of the Gospel one might choose to emphasize. In this section of the lecture "Evangelism and Discipleship" Craig Ott talks about personal evangelism, proclamation evangelism, evangelistic visitation, small group evangelism and bible storying. He presents principles that can be used to develop an effective evangelism approach or to assess existing evangelistic efforts.

PT513 Eng 43. Evangelism and Discipleship. Film, Media and Advertising.

Another way of communicating the Gospel is using media in the form of DVDs or public media campaigns when films are shown. In this section of the lecture Craig Ott discusses the strengths and limitations of the "Jesus" Film and shares some interesting illustrations. In conclusion he emphasizes that any approach to evangelism should always need to be complemented with personal follow-up and discipleship.

PT513 Eng 45. Planting Healthy Reproducing Churches. Leadership and Ministry.

In this section of the lecture "Planting Healthy Reproducing Churches" Craig Ott shares some important principles to keep in mind. The first principle has to do with the spiritual health of the leadership. A church is not healthier than the spiritual health of its leaders. The second principle deals with the importance of structuring the church ministry according to biblical values and purposes.

PT513 Eng 46. Planting Healthy Reproducing Churches. Assimilation.

In this section of the lecture "Planting Healthy Reproducing Churches" Craig Ott continues to share some important principles for healthy development. The third guideline emphasizes the importance of assimilating new people into the ministry and leadership. He uses a diagram to show what happens if this assimilation is unhealthy and what should happen at different stages of healthy assimilation.

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