PT513 Eng 49. Resources for Church Planting. Biblical Guideliness and Worldview.
It is important to know what the Bible says about money, but it is also essential to know how culture views the nature of the resouces and the role of the resources in relationship. In this section of the lecture "Resources for Church Planting" Craig Ott: - shares biblical guidelines on resource sharing in God's mission; - discusses some worldview factors that come to play when we think about resources.
PT513 Eng 51. Resources for Church Planting. Finances.
Strong arguments have been made representing various extremes regarding the use of outside resources in missionary church planting. Some advocate that no financial assistance should be given from the outset, so that the church doesn't become dependent on outside finances and learns to sustain and reproduce itself based on local resources. Others assert that the sharing of wealth between congregations is a Christian obligation. In this section of the lecture "Resources for Church Planting" Craig Ott talks about practical issues connected with finances and he: - gives the list of seven ways that outside funding can hinder church multiplication; - gives the list of seven ways that outside funding can help church planting; - uses examples from his experience to show how to share resources in a meaningful way.
PT513 Eng 52. Resources for Church Planting. Short-Term Teams.
In this section of the lecture "Resources for Church Planting" Craig Ott shares some dos and don't on short-term teams and church planting. Many church plants are not very excited about short-term teams, others are ready to have them even if they are not helpful. How to find the right balance and find the ways of using short team missionaries effectively?
PT513 Eng 53. Resources for Church Planting. Effective Partnerships.
This is the last topic in the lecture "Resources for Church Planting". There are a lot of different types of partnerships, but Craig Ott will focus on direct congregation to congregation partnership. Church-planting partnerships have great potential but they can be complicated. So what are some of the important guidelines for healthy and effective partnership? Every partnership is unique, however certain common criticism emerge, so it is wise to learn about these stumbling blocks.
PT513 Eng 26. Church Planting Models. Multi-Site.
The approach that has become very popular in the USA is the so called multi-site or satellite church plant. Usually a strong central church starts another venue where they have worship services, but it remains the part of central church. This approach is comparable to a planet with satellites that orbit and remain within its gravitational pull, with the central church venue being the planet. The model has been developed with many variations. In this section of the lecture "Church Planting Models" Craig Ott talks about Community Christian Church in Naperville and how they empower local people and train them for ministry.
PT513 Eng 29. Church Planting Models. Spreading Vine. Dandelion.
Church-planting movements can also grow like vines, by planting one church after another, from one town to the next. Each church planted becomes the launching point for another daughter church in the next city down the road. In this section of the lecture Craig Ott gives examples of how this approach was used in Romania and Africa. Another strategy is called dandelion approach. The seeds of dadelion float on their fluffy parachutes, and randomly land wherever they find a foothold to sprout and become another plant. So two churches may be planted at almost random locations as Christians move about. Sudan is a good example of how war made refugees move to other countries and the Gospel was preached in those refugee camps.
PT513 Eng 32. Development Phases of Church Planting. Preparing.
Preparing is the time of great anticipation. The groundwork is laid so that when the church plant is actually launched, it will be built by a crew of artisans who possess both the necessary skills and an acurate understanding of the task. Preparing is broken down to two subphases: targeting & commissioning and understanding & strategizing. Neither should be neglected. So what tasks should be accomplished on these phases of preparing? What is the role of a church planter? In this section of the lecture "Development Phases of Church Planting" Craig Ott focuses on these two subphases, when it is necessary to focus on team building and learning more about people and culture.
PT513 Eng 33. Development Phases of Church Planting. Launching and Establishing.
Launching is the most exciting phase. This phase consists primarily of the pioneering ministries of evangelizing and discipling. In this section of the lecture "Development Phases of Church Planting" Craig Ott emphasizes how important it is for the church planters to use methods that are easily imitated and reproduced by the local people. During the establishing phase the first fruit of progress are experienced as the local believers are formed into a functioning congregation of worshippers increasingly living out kingdom purposes. The teacher thinks that it is the most critical phase, because the DNA of the church is determined, and patterns for ministry are formed.
PT513 Eng 35. Planning and Research. Introduction. Focus Group.
Can we really make plans or we should follow the leading of the Holy Spirit? In this section of the lecture Craig Ott: - shares a couple of important biblical reminders about planning from The Epistle of James, the Book of Acts and Proverbs; - gives some quideliness on good planning; - explains how to answer the question of where to plant the church and how to determine the focus group.
PT513 Eng 38. Evangelism and Discipleship. Dangers on the Way.
Sometimes the church can be isolated from the world. Christians live in their own sub-culture on an island and it seems that the world they are trying to reach is on another island. How can the church build the bridge to the people outside the church? In this section of the lecture " Evangelism and Discipleship" Craig Ott talks about the challenges of evangelism and potential dangers on the way. He draws a diagram to emphasize the fact that evangelism and discipleship is a process.Though regeneration occurs at a particular time, there is a process leading up to that point and a process leading onward in Christian growth.