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Hope--An Anchor For Life

It is essential to life, yet many try to live without it. Christians have it in abundance, but sometimes forget when trouble comes. It’s hope. And Dr. David Jeremiah wants to help you cultivate and become filled with life-giving hope. If you struggle with hopelessness, listen in.

A Living Hope (Pt. 1)

You won’t find hope in a fitness regime, a philosophy book or a financial plan. That’s because true hope – our only hope – is a living hope. Dr. David Jeremiah turns to First Peter for insights into the one-of-a-kind hope we have as believers in Christ.

Hope in God (Pt. 2)

In times of hopelessness and despair, you probably don’t feel like singing songs of praise to God. But that’s exactly when you should! Dr. David Jeremiah considers this paradox. Learn how the simple act of singing can bring about tremendous transformation.

Hope in God (Pt. 1)

Have you ever tried to fix a problem until you had drained all your strength and resources, and all you had left was hope? Dr. David Jeremiah explains how hope is most alive just when everything seems hopeless. And that’s just one of the Bible’s paradoxes about hope you’ll encounter in this message.

Hope--An Anchor For Life (Pt. 2)

Nothing can make you feel more lost and adrift than hopelessness, nor more secure than hope. No wonder the writer of Hebrews says hope is like an anchor. Dr. David Jeremiah continues his series on hope with a look at the three qualities that make hope so uniquely fulfilling for the believer.

Hope--An Anchor For Life (Pt. 1)

It is essential to life, yet many try to live without it. Christians have it in abundance, but sometimes forget when trouble comes. It’s hope. And Dr. David Jeremiah wants to help you cultivate and become filled with life-giving hope. If you struggle with hopelessness, listen in.

Advancing the Word of God

In legal matters, it’s important to maintain written records and have important declarations in writing. But is it also important in spiritual matters? Dr. David Jeremiah says, “Yes!” as he shares the benefits of journaling. Whether it’s a new concept or part of your daily routine for a lifetime, you’ll appreciate today’s message, “Advancing the Word of God.”

Advancing the Word of God (Pt. 2)

You’ve heard people say journaling took their spiritual lives to new heights, and you’re ready to try it… but perhaps you don’t know what to write about. Relax! Dr. David Jeremiah offers a helpful handful of ideas to get you writing and keep you journaling every day.

Advancing the Word of God (Pt. 1)

In legal matters, it’s important to maintain written records and have important declarations in writing. But is it also important in spiritual matters? Dr. David Jeremiah says, “Yes!” as he shares the benefits of journaling. Whether it’s a new concept or part of your daily routine for a lifetime, you’ll appreciate today’s message, “Advancing the Word of God.”

Accessing the Word of God (Pt. 2)

Throughout Scripture, a great deal of importance is placed on names, as the names of key people and places are rich with meaning. Dr. David Jeremiah considers the meaning of a name given to the Word of God: the Sword of the Spirit. The more you understand this name, the more you’ll appreciate its power.

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