Amy C - My adultery with a pastor led me to God.
Like the Bible story of David and Bathsheba, Amy found herself in a terrible sin that, strangely, led to her redemption and a relationship with Jesus.
Amy C - Learning that my Mormonism was not Christian broke my heart - Come on let's go
"I never realized the God that they serve is not the biblical God. The reason I didn’t realize it is because, as a Mormon, I never read the word of God."
Ishmael - From poverty, near abortion and death, to dreams and miracles - Come on let's go
Ishmael was able to lead his father to Christ because God miraculously took him from a dying, poverty-stricken child to an international evangelist.
Ishmael - Met my father at 16, then led him to Christ - Come on let's go
Ishmael was able to lead his father to Christ because God miraculously took him from a dying, poverty-stricken child to an international evangelist.
Greg - Mom tried to kill me in the womb with strychnine - Come on let's
"When my mother was pregnant with me she decided she didn’t want to have me."
Lonnie - Chased my ex-wife for five years - Come on let's go
Lonnie knew his own neglect of his wife had led to the divorce. But after five years of trying to get her back, he met another woman. That was the real test.
Wendy - Married a meth dealer; Lost custody of my son
Wendy's desperate dependence on men meant even sticking with a meth dealer. Losing custody of her young son finally woke her up to the need for change.
Wendy - Got involved in drugs and lost custody of my son - Come on let's go
Wendy's desperate dependence on men meant even sticking with a meth dealer. Losing custody of her young son finally woke her up to the need for change. Today she is no longer desperate and looks to God for fulfillment and happiness.
Arthur - I'm 104, and I knew Al Capone and his gangsters - Come on let's go
Al Capone's right hand man knocked on Pastor Arthur's church door asking to fix his roof. Turns out the man had given up crime for religion, and Arthur found himself in the middle of a dangerous situation.
Evie - Gunshots were fired into my parents' bedroom.
"As the school year progressed I became deeper and deeper involved in the knowledge of gang life."