My360 Helper

Blind Bartimeus Receives His Sight

Blinkd Bartimeus cried out to Jesus for help, Jesus helped him to see immediately. Do you know the secret to Bartimeus' healing?

Parable Of The Workers In The Vineyard

In this parable, the wage for a day is the same as the wage for an hour, do you know what is the reason?

The Rich Young Man Seeking Eternity

Man had longed to live forever since days of the old, do you know how to gain eternal life?

Jesus Heals The Ten Lepers

Jesus heals 10 lepers, yet only 1 return to thank Him. Do you know that this man received more blessings than the other 9?

Resurrection Of Lazarus

No doctor would continueously tried to save someone who is dead, do you know what did Jesus fdo to someone who had died for 4 days?

Parable Of The Rich Man And Lazarus

A rich landlord enjoys extravagently everyday, and a begger had to eat the crumbs that dropped to the floor from his table. Do you know why they had a completely different consequences after their death?

Parable Of The Shrewed Manager

Many think that financial saving can be their live-saver, do you know what Jesus think our life saver is?

Parable Of The Prodigal Son

A prodigal is disliked in every culture, do you know how would God treat a prodigal?

Parable Of The Lost Sheep

Jesus told a parable : A man will leave the ninety-nine in order to seek for that one lost sheep. Do you know why that one lost sheep was so precious?

Jesus Heals A Crippled Woman

Jesus healed a woman with hunched back on Sabbath Day, but the indignant synagogue leader said that He should not do so. Do you know how Jesus responds to this?

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