My360 Helper

The Parable Of The Sower

Jesus once told His disciple the heavenly secret that was kept from the foundation of the world, do you know this secret?

Jesus And Beelzebul

Some had accused Jesus that He casted out demons by the ruler of the demons, but do you know what was the reality of the situation?

Jesus Raises The Widows Son

"If a man dies, shall he lives again?", do you know how do Jesus view the death of the faithful?

Jesus Heals The Servant of The Centurion

Each christian has varying degree of faith, do you know the great faith which Jesus praised?

Sermon On The Mount Treasures In Heaven

There are many experts who teach about wealth management, do you know what is the principle of wealth management that Jesus had taught?

Sermon On The Mount Giving To The Needy

Some will put on a huge display when thet do good deeds, as if they fear no one would know their deeds, do you know that by doing this, we will not receive the reward from God?

Sermon On The Mount Beatitude Salt And Light

All of us love to be blessed, do you know the 8 blessings that Jesus talked about in the beatitude?

Jesus Heals A Man With Shriveled Hand

Sabbath is the most religious ordinance for the Jews, do you know why Jesus deliberately violect this rule?

The Healing of Lame Man At The Pool

The methodology of eastern and western medical cure are different, do you know how did Jesus heal the sick?

Jesus Heals The Cripple

There are many who are hopeless on this earth, do you know how can a hopeless person has a new beginning in Jesus?

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