The Fullness of Christ | Dr. David Jeremiah | Colossians 1:15-23

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Wisdom and Understanding | Dr. David Jeremiah | Colossians 1:9-14

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Singing the Praises of the Unsung | Dr. David Jeremiah | Colossians 1:1-8

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Elijah's Chariot of Fire Marked Elisha's New Beginning | Dr. David Jeremiah | II Kings 2:1-18

Just because Elijah went to heaven doesn’t mean his earthly ministry was over! Dr. David Jeremiah looks at some key takeaways and Elijah’s reappearance in the New Testament. See more from Dr. David Jeremiah in the description below

The Prophet Elijah and the One True God | Dr. David Jeremiah | II Kings 1

To see where God ranks among your priorities, just wait for a crisis to come. Dr. David Jeremiah reveals the tragic events that transpire when a king fails to follow God. See more from Dr. David Jeremiah in the description below

Elijah Delivers God's Message of Justice | Dr. David Jeremiah | I Kings 21

Dr. David Jeremiah shares a story of extreme injustice from the life of Elijah, laying the groundwork for a lesson in God’s judgment and mercy. See more from Dr. David Jeremiah in the description below

Elijah and the Still Small Voice | Dr. David Jeremiah | I Kings 19:9-18

Dr. David Jeremiah looks at Elijah’s personal encounter with the Lord, and how it can make your quiet times more special. See more from Dr. David Jeremiah in the description below

The Aftermath of Elijah's Mountaintop Victory | Dr. David Jeremiah | I Kings 19:1-9

Dr. David Jeremiah looks at the events following Elijah’s victorious showdown with the prophets of Baal, and what we can learn as a result. See more from Dr. David Jeremiah in the description below

Elijah's Stand Against the Prophets of Baal | Dr. David Jeremiah | I Kings 18:1-40

Dr. David Jeremiah takes us to the defining moment in the life of Elijah, where he alone stands for the true God before the prophets of Baal. See more from Dr. David Jeremiah in the description below

Elijah and the Power of a Godly Life | Dr. David Jeremiah | I Kings 17:17-24

Elijah was a faithful man, and God used him in remarkable ways. Elijah always honored God first. If we do that, we, too, can live in the spirit and power of this prophet. See more from Dr. David Jeremiah in the description below

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