My360 Helper

Accepting the Word of God (Pt. 1)

A generation ago, most people belonged to a church, the Bible was preached boldly and it influenced society and its values. Sadly, that’s hardly the case anymore. Dr. David Jeremiah examines the state of the church and encourages us not to give up hope, but rather to remember why the church exists in the first place.

Hope for Our Families (Pt. 2)

Hope isn’t just wishful thinking. Sometimes keeping hope alive means taking responsibility, especially if that hope is for your family. Dr. David Jeremiah sheds more light on the state of the family and what Christians must do in their churches and homes to ensure hope.

Hope for Our Families (Pt. 1)

The family is under attack, from the prevalence of divorce to the breakdown of morality to the redefinition of what “family” even means. Is the family beyond hope? Dr. David Jeremiah turns to God’s Word for strategies to help us defend and fortify our families.

Hope for Our Church (Pt. 2)

It used to be the source of society’s shared values – a powerful voice for salvation, morality and social justice. Is there still hope for the church? Dr. David Jeremiah reminds us about the reasons the church exists and why we must never forget them.

Hope for Our Church (Pt. 1)

A generation ago, most people belonged to a church, the Bible was preached boldly and it influenced society and its values. Sadly, that’s hardly the case anymore. Dr. David Jeremiah examines the state of the church and encourages us not to give up hope, but rather to remember why the church exists in the first place.

Hope for Our Nation

In a culture that seems to have turned its back on God, with no moral compass and no sign of turning around, you might be wondering: is there hope for our nation? Dr. David Jeremiah answers with the Old Testament story of another nation in similar distress, and how revival changed everything.

A Living Hope

You won’t find hope in a fitness regime, a philosophy book or a financial plan. That’s because true hope – our only hope – is a living hope. Dr. David Jeremiah turns to First Peter for insights into the one-of-a-kind hope we have as believers in Christ.

A Psalm of Hope (Pt. 2)

Psalm 146 is a Psalm of hope, demonstrating the psalmist's firm resolution to hope in the Lord and not in man. In this message, we learn how the actions of God allow us to trust in Him as a God of hope.

A Psalm of Hope (Pt. 1)

The theme of hope runs throughout the Bible. But when your supply is running dry and you need a place to soak up the hope you have in God, one passage stands apart. Dr. David Jeremiah takes you to Psalm 146 for a guided tour of the Scripture overflowing with reasons for hope.

Hope in the Valley of Trouble (Pt. 2)

Is something standing between you and the hope you have in Christ? Don’t spend another moment feeling hopeless – destroy that barrier! Dr. David Jeremiah continues his look at the ways lost hope can be restored. He shares biblical tools and practical steps for returning to a life of victory and confidence.

Hope in the Valley of Trouble (Pt. 1)

You probably know someone who was once strong in their faith, but lost hope. Maybe it was you. How does that happen, and can lost hope be regained? Dr. David Jeremiah tackles those questions head-on with captivating examples from God’s Word. How will your hope hold out when trouble comes along?

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