Trusting God When Tragedy Strikes, Ep 1 of 2
An Open Home, Part 2: Tessa’s Story
Six years ago, Tessa Maki’s (Pronounced Mackie) husband told her he didn’t want to be married and that he was leaving. Tessa stayed faithful to her marriage covenant while her husband came in and out of the home and attended a drug rehab program. When you listen to her story, you’ll learn to take your eyes off your circumstances and look to Jesus in every difficult situation… on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
An Open Home, Part 1: Dave and Linda’s Story
For over 30 years, Dave and Linda Carullo lived with unresolved hurt in their marriage. Then in a period of several weeks, God convicted Dave to make things right. This couple called it an unexpected revival. Find out how much joy can fill your relationships when you get right with God and right with others, on Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
Esther, Ep 17 of 17
Our listeners have been soaking in the story of an arrogant dictator, a beautiful young woman who marries into royalty, and a conspiracy to commit genocide. This story isn’t the latest juicy novel. It’s from the Bible. Find out how it’s been affecting listeners on the next Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
Esther, Ep 16 of 17
We get so upset hearing about leaders who use political power to line their own pockets. Instead of serving the public, they’re serving themselves. When we hear stories like that, we need to check our own hearts. Are we more interested in serving or in being served? We’ll think about that on the next Revive Our Hearts with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
Be Still, Heaven Rules
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your circumstances? Maybe you doubt that God is really on his throne, ruling and reigning for your good. On this Revive Our Hearts Weekend, we’re reminding ourselves that heaven rules. Join Dannah Gresh and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
Esther, Ep 15 of 17
The word “amuse” literally means to stop thinking. And a lot of people equate rest and celebration with amusement. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says true celebration actually is a time for thinking and remembering. Find out why on Revive Our Hearts.
Esther, Ep 14 of 17
The book of Ecclesiastes tells us there’s a time to weep and a time to laugh. Weep over the lost and over our own sin. At the same time, we need to joyfully celebrate God’s forgiveness and goodness! Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth has insight on striking this balance, on Revive Our Hearts.
Esther, Ep 13 of 17
Isn’t it amazing to see a huge plane take off? All that weight seems to defy gravity. It’s because another law is at work, and that’s a picture of our lives. Like gravity, sin is always with us. But because of a new law, we don’t have to be held down by sin. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth explains on Revive Our Hearts.
Esther, Ep 12 of 17
If a powerful government leader were to attack a small, minority population, who would likely come out ahead? It depends on God’s will. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth helps you understand a classic underdog story from the Bible, on Revive Our Hearts.
Esther, Ep 11 of 17
Imagine your spouse made a big mistake—one that could cost thousands of people their lives. Would you approach your mate with a humble, gracious attitude? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth says it’s an effective way, on Revive Our Hearts.