Chapter 5: Any Day Now!
"And there they were - Noah, his wife, his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives, the animals in pairs, some in seven pairs, the birds, butterflies, and creepy-crawlies - all very comfortable, cozy, and cared for. That was inside the ark." Noah obeys God - and escapes the doom that fell upon his generation.
Chapter 4: Off to a New Start
"And there they were - Noah, his wife, his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives, the animals in pairs, some in seven pairs, the birds, butterflies, and creepy-crawlies - all very comfortable, cozy, and cared for. That was inside the ark." Noah obeys God - and escapes the doom that fell upon his generation.
Chapter 3: Water, Water Everywhere
"And there they were - Noah, his wife, his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives, the animals in pairs, some in seven pairs, the birds, butterflies, and creepy-crawlies - all very comfortable, cozy, and cared for. That was inside the ark." Noah obeys God - and escapes the doom that fell upon his generation.
Chapter 2: Countdown
"And there they were - Noah, his wife, his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives, the animals in pairs, some in seven pairs, the birds, butterflies, and creepy-crawlies - all very comfortable, cozy, and cared for. That was inside the ark." Noah obeys God - and escapes the doom that fell upon his generation.
Chapter 1: Operation Rescue
"And there they were - Noah, his wife, his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives, the animals in pairs, some in seven pairs, the birds, butterflies, and creepy-crawlies - all very comfortable, cozy, and cared for. That was inside the ark." Noah obeys God - and escapes the doom that fell upon his generation.
Chapter 6: Cain and Abel
Adam and Eve
All the music had stopped. The angels had stopped singing. Instead, they were watching in great wonder and listening - to God! 'We'll make a man!' Creation and all its wonder! Adam and Eve had been created - into a glorious world full of flowers and animals and beauty. But soon an enemy would appear!
Chapter 5: Ruined
Adam and Eve
All the music had stopped. The angels had stopped singing. Instead, they were watching in great wonder and listening - to God! 'We'll make a man!' Creation and all its wonder! Adam and Eve had been created - into a glorious world full of flowers and animals and beauty. But soon an enemy would appear!
Chapter 4: The Enemy
Adam and Eve
All the music had stopped. The angels had stopped singing. Instead, they were watching in great wonder and listening - to God! 'We'll make a man!' Creation and all its wonder! Adam and Eve had been created - into a glorious world full of flowers and animals and beauty. But soon an enemy would appear!
Chapter 3: Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve
All the music had stopped. The angels had stopped singing. Instead, they were watching in great wonder and listening - to God! 'We'll make a man!' Creation and all its wonder! Adam and Eve had been created - into a glorious world full of flowers and animals and beauty. But soon an enemy would appear!
Chapter 2: All Things Bright and Beautiful
Adam and Eve
All the music had stopped. The angels had stopped singing. Instead, they were watching in great wonder and listening - to God! 'We'll make a man!' Creation and all its wonder! Adam and Eve had been created - into a glorious world full of flowers and animals and beauty. But soon an enemy would appear!
Chapter 1: In the Beginning
Adam and Eve
All the music had stopped. The angels had stopped singing. Instead, they were watching in great wonder and listening - to God! 'We'll make a man!' Creation and all its wonder! Adam and Eve had been created - into a glorious world full of flowers and animals and beauty. But soon an enemy would appear!