When Bad Gets Worse
Here Comes the Plagues
The ten plagues God inflicted on Egypt were devastating and destructive. Why did God deal so harshly with Egypt? Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares why God was so severe and what we can learn from the first three plagues that were inflicted upon Egypt. Exodus 7:1 - 8:19
The Cost of Your Soul
What is your soul worth? Have you ever wondered? Listen to Pastor Jeff uncover the importance of the cost of our souls.
The Truth About Salvation
Salvation. What does it mean and how does it work? Listen to Pastor Jeff explain the truth about Salvation.
When the Work Doesn't Seem to be Working
In the Christian life we can run into situations where we are committed and we’re obeying God, and everything seems to fall apart. The bad situation gets so much worse, and we don’t understand why. When the work doesn’t seem to be working, what do you do? Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares important truths to remember when we are being faithful and yet the work seems futile. Exodus 5:1-23
Faith Over Fortune
Choose Faith Over Fortune! Head on over to our From His Heart Youtube Channel (link in bio) and watch our latest video: "Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler" to learn more about what it means to choose our faith over our own fortune!
The Burning Bush...& the Burning Question
Do you struggle with feeling inadequate and unworthy? Moses certainly did. But God chose him just the same to deliver His people from Egypt. We can learn a lot about God and ourselves from his encounter with YHWH at the burning bush. You see, it really doesn’t matter who you are. It only matters who He is–-the unchangeable, holy God who is everything you will ever need in whatever situation you face! Exodus 3:1-22
Jesus and the Fallen Disciple
Many of us know what it’s like to fall and fail the Lord. Is there hope for a true disciple who greatly fails the Lord? Yes! In this hopeful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares three insights into the heart of Peter after he sinned so greatly and yet found grace and forgiveness in Jesus. John 21:1-19
Divorce - Understanding The Pain Without Sin
God hates divorce. It's cruel, awful, hateful, and terrible. But it's sometimes warranted. If a spouse is repeatedly and unrepentantly unfaithful to the marriage vows, the offended party has nothing to work with in saving/continuing the marriage.
Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler
Do you find yourself putting other things before your relationship with God? When the rich young ruler encountered Jesus, he left grieving and sad because he chose his temporal wealth over eternal salvation. He put his earthly treasure above a relationship with Jesus. In this message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares how this rich young ruler represents so many people in our world today. Mark 10:17-27
Addressing Domestic Abuse
The statistics show that there are men in the church, men who call themselves Christians, that are abusing their wives. Don't be scared to call them out in love, they need to get help. We as brother and sisters in Christ should be there for one another in the good and the bad. It's real and it's happening in churches across America. Don't shy away from it, but bring the sin to light.