The Fall Of Jericho

Today in Understanding God's Word, we look at one of the most famous and exciting stories of the Old Testament: the fall of Jericho

The Preparation of Joshua

Today in Understanding God's Word, Dr. John Akers invites us to look at an interesting problem that faced Joshua, leader of the Israelites. It seemed to him (as it would to any reasonable person) that God had asked him to do something impossible. Is this something that has only happened to Biblical figures of old? Or does it still happen today? If so, what are we to do in the face of insurmountable odds?

Looking Back At The Old Testament

In this lesson we take an important moment to contemplate the Old Testament, a section of the scriptures that is often overlooked. It is sometimes difficult to understand the relationship between the Old Testament and modern Christianity, given the total change in our covenant with God brought about by Jesus Christ. But these older books are still scripture, still holy, and still vital to our world.

Defending From Danger

In this last chapter of the general epistles, the apostle John takes a moment to warn his flock of the spiritual dangers that surround them. In today's lesson on Understanding God's Word, Dr. John Akers examines these warnings and explains how they still apply to us today.

Letters From The Elder

In today's lesson on Understanding God's Word, Dr. John Akers takes us through 1st John 2 and 3, two of the shortest books in the Bible. If you want to read the entire scripture but find yourself a little intimidated, these books are a great place to start.

Who Has Christ Has Life

The greatest promise that God makes us is that of eternal life. But how can we be assured that this promise is true? In today's lesson in Understanding God's Word, Dr. John Akers examines this question.

Live According To God's Truth

The scriptures command us to love others as much as we love God. In today's Understanding God's Word, Dr. John Akers discusses why we find such a simple command so hard to follow.

Our Present Reality

As Christians, the world changed the minute we accepted Jesus into our lives. Our universe gravitates around a new sun, and we spend our days learning what it means to walk in it's light. In today's lesson in Understanding God's Word, Dr. John Akers talks about this Christian experience.

Confidence and Commitment

In today's Understanding God's Word, Dr. John Akers continues our study of the general epistles. These letters from early christian letters laid the groundwork for our understanding of what a follwer of Christ should be.

The Problem of False Teaching

In today's episode of Understanding God's Word, Dr. John Akers introduces us to the book of 2nd Peter, and to one of the major themes of the book: that of false teachers.

Final Words Of Instruction

The theme of 1st Peter, as we have discovered, is how to life a Christian life in a secular world. Today on Understanding God's word we reach the final chapter of 1st Peter, and Dr. John Akers shares with us Peter's final words on the subject.

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