My360 Helper

Sandra Crawford Williamson

Sandra Crawford Williamson was once a CEO for an international company, but the events of 9-11-01 changed her life forever. She is a cancer survivor, a mother, wife, and now a professor at Dallas Baptist University. Join us on Monday at 8:00 CST and Thursday at Noon on the Fishbowl Radio Network (B Stream) as we interview Sandra a…read more

Maralee Dawn

Maralee Dawn is a master ventriloquist, author, recording artist and host of two television series on Daystar, "Passionate Women" and "Valiant Women." She will talk about how she recovered from the horrific car accident that stole everything from her for a period of time.

Kim Crabill and Dr. Trudy Simmons

Ripped away from her parents at a young age, then having to live as a stranger in an abusive home, Kim Crabill is well-acquainted with grief. But through the power of God’s love and forgiveness, she now walks in joy and freedom. AND “The truth will set you free.” Many of us have heard this phrase before. Listen to how the truth of God set Dr. Trudy Simmons.

Melissa Fairchild and Catherine Walker

Technical Writer, Melissa Fairchild will discuss overcoming rape, and how God has helped her as a single mother of three children. Catherine Walker shares about her mom's kidney illness and miraculous recovery, as well as dealing with her daughter's depression.

Victor Torres

Victor Torres grew up in Brooklyn, NY, deeply involved in gang life and heavily addicted to drugs. Listen to his powerful story of how he was set free.

Morgan Boardman and Alexia Hamilton

The Chief Development Officer for MedSend, Morgan Boardman, shares how he grew up in a normal Christian family but later needed God's help to get him through the premature death of his sister and an unexpected divorce. Alexia Hamilton speaks about how she began a relationship with God after the sudden death of her ex-husband.

Leigh Ann Bryant

Sandy Boyd

“Plates were literally being thrown from our kitchen cabinets, by themselves!” Sandy Boyd shares her frightening story of growing up in satanism. And just when she was ready to end her life as an adult, God showed up in a miraculous way!

Kathy Green and Craig Morgan

Kathy R. Green is an author, speaker and ministry leader. She will discuss the valleys she endured, a health crisis for both her and her daughter, the death of her father and marital troubles. Craig Morgan, founder of "Blended Together Forever" ministries is a National Sales Director for Primerica. He will share how about his painful divorce and subsequent marriage which combined families and children. That led he and his wife to start a ministry to help people with blended families.

Judy Kennedy

Do not miss this powerful story, from Judy Kennedy. Though her life plays out like an unbelievable movie, she assures you, it’s all true. But the best part? Judy's “movie" has a sequel: GOD CAN REDEEM THE PAIN OF OUR PAST.

Lee Ann Walters and Sarah Nelson

Leann Walters LeAnn is a writer, speaker, and life advocate. She is the Former Director of the Uptown Women’s Center in Dallas, TX. She is a graduate of Dallas Baptist University, but now she is working on a Dual Masters degree in Global Leadership and Theological Studies. She has worked in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Wherever LeAnn travels she brings a message of hope and redemption. Sarah Nelson will tell the story of how God brought through the time that her two-year-old daughter suffered a stroke and how the Lord strengthened her faith and belief in prayer during this difficult stretch.

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