Beating the Odds in the New Year
The Prayer of Jabez
What's the point in wanting more when we don't appreciate what we already have? On The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans answers that question as he explains how to ask God for a blessing that’ll not only change your new year, but the rest of your life.
Unleashing the Power of the Word
The Bible is an unparalleled book, containing both historical and future accounts of natural and supernatural events. On The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans presents information that will give us insight into the power and uniqueness of the Bible.
Be Happy, Don't Worry! - Part 2
Even in good times, there never seems to be a shortage of things to be anxious about. On The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans points out that worry does nothing but eat us up from the inside. God has a better plan for us when anxiety begins to take hold of our thoughts.
Be Happy, Don't Worry! - Part 1
Even though we can’t control the future — or even see the future — that doesn’t stop us from worrying about it. But Dr. Tony Evans says that’s a habit we can stop, and he’ll tell us how to do that on The Alternative broadcast.
The True Light of Christmas
On this Christmas Day edition of The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans will share some encouraging truth about the way Jesus illuminates our lives. Join us for “The True Light of Christmas”
Jesus the Savior - Part 2
It’s one of those things Christians do, but don’t always understand — it’s wrapping up a prayer with the words, “in Jesus’ name.” On The Alternative broadcast, Dr. Tony Evans will shed some light on connecting with the power in that name when we use it the way God intended.
Jesus the Savior - Part 1
The Bible gives us several different names for Jesus – each of them telling us something significant about who He is. On The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans explores the implications of one of the most familiar and important names we have for Jesus.
Time to Cross Over
Even when our plans and dreams are blown away, Dr. Tony Evans says the Lord is still in control of those who trust in Him. On The Alternative broadcast, we’ll see how the storms of life can actually benefit us as they guide us toward greater things.
When God Allows Your Crisis
When circumstances turn sour, we can't wait for them to change. That's only natural. On The Alternative broadcast, Dr. Tony Evans shows us an unnatural way to think of a crisis… and the benefits it’ll bring to our relationship with the Lord.