My360 Helper

The Purpose of the Cross - Part 2

It’s a popular expression, and it’s true; God accepts us the way we are, but loves us too much to leave us that way. On The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans explains how that process of change works, and how it’s part of the purpose of the cross.

The Purpose of the Cross - Part 1

If God wanted to forgive our sins, all he had to do was do it. So why did Jesus have to suffer and die? Dr. Tony Evans will actually give us three answers to that question on The Alternative as he talks about the purpose of the cross.

The Accomplishments of the Cross - Part 2

When Jesus died on the cross, our sins were forgiven. But next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans tells us why that was only the beginning. It's a look at the accomplishments of the cross, on The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans.

The Accomplishments of the Cross - Part 1

Any Christian can tell you that Jesus died for our sins. But on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans will give us a closer look at what the cross accomplished on our behalf.

The Necessity of the Cross - Part 2

With enough discipline and commitment, most debts can be paid off eventually. But not the most important one of all… and that's the one Dr. Tony Evans will talk about on The Alternative.

The Necessity of the Cross - Part 1

When it comes to righteousness, God doesn't grade on a curve. Dr. Tony Evans says that makes us all hopeless failures. But that's the bad news.

The Centrality of the Cross - Part 2

The cross isn't just the symbol of Christianity; it's the very heart of Christianity. On The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans helps us understand why. Don't miss this look at the key concept of the Christian faith.

The Centrality of the Cross - Part 1

Christianity can seem very complex, but Dr. Tony Evans says it can all be boiled down to one vitally important concept. Join him on The Alternative as he explains what it is in part one of his series, Returning to the Cross.

Marching Orders

Life’s biggest questions often revolve around purpose—why we’re here and what we’re meant to do. On The Alternative broadcast, special guest Jonathan Evans explores how Jesus answered those questions for His followers, giving them a mission that still applies today. Find out how you can carry out that mission with purpose and impact.

Cookin' in the Light

Salt preserves, enhances flavor, and makes people thirsty. Jesus used that metaphor to describe our influence as His followers. On The Alternative, special guest Jonathan Evans challenges us to consider whether we’re truly making a difference in the world or just blending into it.

Beyond the Hype

It’s one thing to put on a uniform; it’s another to perform on game day. On The Alternative, special guest Jonathan Evans reminds us that God has given us everything we need — but it’s up to us to go from being drafted into God’s kingdom to delivering on the field of life.

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