My360 Helper

When Faith Is in the Fire

How prepared are you for when your faith gets tested? Part of that answer will depend on what you have placed your faith in. What, or who, does Dr.Rogers should you put your faith in so as to endure the trials?

The Wings of Faith

"The need of the hour is for an earth-shaking, devil quaking faith." According to the Bible, what is faith? Find out by listening to the late Dr. Adrian Rogers in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".

Getting to Know Your Best Friend

What does it really mean for a Christian to have God dwelling in you? What does it mean if your don't? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares the distinguishing mark of the Christian in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".

Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People?

What is God's eternal purpose? What is life all about, especially when it doesn't make sense? In this edition of "Love Worth Finding", Dr. Rogers shares four things about you that will help you through those pitiful times.

Faith, What It is and How to Have it

Grace is: God's riches at Christ's expense. What is Faith?


Of all the needs humanity has, what is the greatest need? What has God done about it?

Predestined to Hell, Absolutely Not

Are we just pawns on the chessboard of fate? How concerned are you that people without Christ are headed for an eternity apart from God? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares three things on this topic in today's edition of "Love Worth Finding".


Intercession. That is a word not often used these days. What does it really mean? How do you pray in the spirit? Let Dr. Adrian Rogers explain how in this episode of "Love Worth Finding".

You Can Be Sure!

What are 5 foundation stones you can stand on when times are tough? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares them with listeners in today's episode of "Love Worth Finding". Which are you: a "?" or a "!"?

Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs

Which do we find in the book of Romans: the bill of rights or the gift of grace? How can you turn hurts into hallelujahs? What are you to do with guilt? Why doesn't God just do away with evil? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares the answers in this episode of "Love Worth Finding".

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