Learning to Possess Your Possessions
What does it mean to live up to our profession in Christ? What about the provision of God and our appropriation of the provision?
How to Live in Victory
What makes it so hard to live in victory? Because salvation is a gift, does it make any difference in how we live? Dr. Adrian Rogers clears up any confusion on this important question in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".
There Is so Much More!
Its the bad news which makes the good news really good. The world needs to have the bad news proclaimed as well as the good news of the Gospel in order to gain true appreciation for God's incredible provision of Salvation.
How to Weather the Storms of Life
"We have a very serious problem in the Christian world today." What is it according to Dr. Adrian Rogers? The answer may surprise you as you listen to today's episode of "Love Worth Finding".
Beware the Wolves
How do you avoid being tricked again? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares how in this episode of "Love Worth Finding".
The Holy Highway
What is "the Holy Highway" and why should you want to travel it? Learn the answers provided by Dr. Adrian Rogers in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".
The Power of Prevailing Prayer
What is one of the grandest promises in the Bible? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares it in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".
When Yardsticks Become Boomerangs
What is the warning Jesus gives to his listeners in Matthew 7? Dr. Adrian Rogers helps you understand the warning in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".
How to Win in the War with Worry
Worry isn't just a sin, it is a wickedness. Why would Dr. Adrian Rogers make such a statement?
Make Sure You Get the Real Thing
Have you ever been tricked into buying something that wasn't what it was supposed to be? How can you make sure you get the real thing? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares three truths to help you in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".