Did Jonah repent?

The definition for the word ‘repent’ is ‘to feel remorse, contrition or self-reproach for what one has done or failed to do’. Oswald Chambers writes… Repentance always brings a person to the point of saying “I have sinned.” The surest sign that God is at work in his life is when he says that and means it. Anything less is simply sorrow for having made foolish mistakes. On this program Barbara Sandbek, will look at Jonah’s prayer from inside the fish and see if he is truly repentant.

It's only downhill from here!

So far in our study of Jonah, we’ve learned that God wanted to REACH out to the pagan Gentiles of Ninevah with His mercy, so He REVEALED a message to His prophet, Jonah, and told him to go there and preach it, but Jonah REACTED by RUNNING away. On this program, we’re going to reenact what happened as a result of Jonah’s disobedience. The setting is Joppa, a seaport about 35 miles northwest of Jerusalem - known today as Jaffa. A ship is docked there and about ready to leave. It’s destination - Tarshish, a mining colony in Spain. Looks like a nice day for a cruise. Hey…there’s Jonah boarding the boat now.

God can repay with mercy

The purpose of the book of Jonah is to show that God is concerned for ALL mankind, not just the Jews and that He will do whatever is necessary to accomplish His purpose of making Himself known, even to His enemies. 2 Peter 3:9 says that God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance. The book of Jonah anticipates the universality of Jesus' Gospel, and is the Old Testament counterpart to the salvation message of John 3:16 which says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” On this program, Barbara Sandbek will take a look at Jonah’s reaction to God’s call to go to Nineveh.

It's all about God's grace!

There has been much debate over whether the story of Jonah is true or just an allegory. Regardless of your stance, 2 Timothy 3:16 says that ALL Scripture is inspired by God and is PROFITABLE for our training. On this Grace Notes program, Barbara Sandbek will begin a series on the book of Jonah. You’ll find this to be NO fish story - rather one that’s alive with lessons we can learn and apply so don’t miss a single program.

Open my eyes, Lord

When your spiritual walk is at a stand still, or you’re facing a particularly difficult trial, it may be that God is calling you to a higher level of intimacy – a level where you can better appreciate how awesome it is that the Creator of the Universe cares for you.

The Lord’s RETURN

Our hope is in Christ. He promised us that He will RETURN to take us home to Heaven to be with Him. To help remember some of God’s truths upon which we base our hope, let’s make an acrostic out of the word ‘RETURN’.

FEAR – Is it all bad?

"Have you ever been afraid? I sure have. As a child, I feared shadows in my bedroom, being home alone, and thunder and lightning. I mistakenly thought that when I became an adult, the thunder and lightning wouldn’t bother me anymore, but I remember a time when . . ."

Think Right Thoughts - Conclusion

Barbara Sandbek will complete our study on ‘Thinking Right Thoughts’. Philippians 4 verse 8 has been our text for this series. Through studying each phrase we’ve discovered that we need to focus on things of the Lord - things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. TRUE things are God’s WORD. NOBLE things are God’s WAYS. RIGHT things are God’s WILL. PURE things are God’s WISDOM. LOVELY things are God’s WORKS. and ADMIRABLE things are God’s WONDERS. These and only these are excellent and praise-worthy things on which to think. Paul's exhortation to "think about such things" is followed by a second exhortation in his next verse, "put it into practice". So, as we conclude, let see how right thinking produces right actions.

What is lovely? God's wonders!

So far, in our study on ‘Thinking Right Thoughts’ we’ve found that according to Philippians 4 verse 8, God’s WORD, God’s WAYS, God’s WILL, God’s WISDOM and GOD’S WORKS are right things to think about. The next phrase in the verse says to think on things that are ADMIRABLE. What are they? Well…just look out your window. On this program, Barbara Sandbek will share about God’s WONDERS.

What is lovely? God's works!

So far, in our study on ‘Thinking Right Thoughts’ we’ve found that according to Philippians 4 verse 8, God’s WORD, God’s WAY, God’s WILL and God’s WISDOM are right things to think about. On this program, Barbara Sandbek will discuss how to think LOVELY thoughts, but first, let’s hear a song from Barbara praising God for His marvelous WORKS.

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