The waiting period - a must
Barbara Sandbek has been following the life and works of the prophet Elijah. We’ve seen him travel from a palace, to a wilderness, and then to a pagan land. God has protected him from the wrath of a king, provided for him through a wild raven and a starving widow, and has powerfully wakened the widow’s son from death. Elijah’s faith has grown as a result of his obedience. Now he’s ready to face Ahab again, and do the job these experiences have groomed him to do – that of calling the Israelites back to God.
Making a New Start
The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:2…”I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” This knowledge allowed him to endure the many sufferings he received in his ministry, and still write heartfelt instructions from his experiences that even we follow today. Resolutions are good things to make as long as we rely on the direction of the Lord to DEFINE them and His strength to KEEP them. On our program today, Barbara Sandbek will discuss how we can determine what makes a Godly resolution.
ELIJAH - a man for the times - God’s Glory increases our Faith
Barbara Sandbek has been following the prophet Elijah on his ‘BOARDWALK’ of life. Elijah seems to have a MONOPOLY on receiving God’s prophetic word and seeing His promises fulfilled. He LANDED first at a palace. To avoid being sent ‘DIRECTLY TO JAIL’ by King Ahab when he told him of God’s impending punishment, he fled into a wilderness. There he was fed from the COMMUNITY CHEST by a raven. When his WATER WORKS dried up, he moved to a pagan city, where he took the CHANCE to trust God to provide his needs through a starving widow. This certainly wasn’t the HIGH RENT DISTRICT, but he didn’t have to pay rent at any of these places - God gave him FREE PARKING. The widow ‘ROLLED DOUBLES’ when she obeyed Elijah’s command to make a cake for him, first, and then for herself and her son. God kept his promise. There was enough food for ALL of them until the rain came. Elijah may feel like HE’S been winning the monopoly game so far, but this next faith test will show him that God is in control, especially when he comes to the end of his resources. On this program, we’ll hear about another miracle God performed for the widow. This one will finally cause her to believe.
The Gifts Jesus Gives Keep on Giving!
Today, on Grace Notes we will cover several other gifts under the tree. This is the last program in our Christmas tree series. Have you started making your ornaments? Time’s awastin’.
JOY is the next gift our host, Barbara Sandbek, will describe for us. Enjoy all the gifts and don’t forget to make that Christmas ornament marked ‘JOY’ for your tree.
Where HOPE can be found
Are you looking for HOPE? Our host Barbara Sandbek will explain where hope can be found as she continues with our Christmas series on the Christmas tree gifts.
CHRISTMAS – a time to remember ALL YEAR
While the trees may be just a decoration or business for some people, for the Believer they hold a special meaning. But it wasn’t always the case. On our program, our host, Barbara Sandbek will share some of the history behind the Christmas tree as we know it today.
ELIJAH - a man for the times - God's multi-purpose, multi-person plan
Barbara Sandbek has been taking us on a faith building journey with the prophet, Elijah. We’ve seen how God stationed Elijah in the royal palace, where he delivered a prophetic message of impending drought to King Ahab. Then God sent him to the wilderness, where his only company was that of a raven. Last week we found Elijah settling in, but God soon dried up the brook -- his source of life. Now it was time for him to go to a territory ruled by Queen Jezebel’s father, and be cared for by the human hands of a poor, gentile widow, facing starvation. Sounds like ‘Mission Impossible’ doesn’t it? Well, the Lord had said to Sarah, Abraham’s barren wife, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”, and He challenges US to believe that EVERYTHING is possible when we act in obedience. Elijah chose to accept this mission and found that NOTHING would ‘self-destruct’ without God’s say so.
God in the little things - part 2
On our last program, Barbara Sandbek began a new series on Elijah, a man for the times. The ungodly King, Ahab, had led them into Baal worship. In an effort to steer His people back to Him, God withdrew His hand of blessing so they would appreciate what He had done for them. God chose the prophet, Elijah, to tell the king that there would be no dew or rain until he said so. Then he told Elijah to go and hide, and He’d supply his needs through a brook and a raven. God kept His promise, and then began to groom Elijah’s faith for an even tougher task ahead. Let’s continue now, and see how Elijah handled his isolation and humbling conditions.
God in the little things
Faithfulness…what does it mean? Webster defines it as loyal. And ‘loyal’ is defined as faithful to a trust or confidence – true to duty or love. Is that the definition you had in mind? On this Grace Notes program, Barbara begins a new series which will take us on a journey with the prophet Elijah. We’ll see how God worked THROUGH Elijah to demonstrate His faithfulness to His people, Israel, despite their unfaithfulness. We’ll also see how God worked IN Elijah to groom him to truly be a man for the times. So, buckle your seat belts, and get ready to roll with the prophet of old.