The Cross And The Flag - Part 2

The destiny of the church does not depend upon the next election.

The Cross And The Flag - Part 1

The destiny of the church does not depend upon the next election.

The Clash Of Cross And Culture - Part 3

The city of God will remain even as the world around us crumbles.

The Clash Of Cross And Culture - Part 2

The city of God will remain even as the world around us crumbles.

The Clash Of Cross And Culture - Part 1

The city of God will remain even as the world around us crumbles.

You Are Assured Of Triumph - Part 3

Can you think of anything more reassuring than God’s love for us? It triumphs over anything and everything in the universe.

You Are Assured Of Triumph - Part 2

Can you think of anything more reassuring than God’s love for us? It triumphs over anything and everything in the universe.

You Are Assured Of Triumph - Part 1

Can you think of anything more reassuring than God’s love for us? It triumphs over anything and everything in the universe.

You Own A Certificate Of Aquittal - Part 4

If you’ve accepted Christ as your Savior, you have been declared by God to be as righteous as Jesus and you will be welcomed into heaven.

You Own A Certificate Of Aquittal - Part 3

If you’ve accepted Christ as your Savior, you have been declared by God to be as righteous as Jesus and you will be welcomed into heaven.

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